Just having some coffee looking out the back door and the party arrived 😆
Beauty everywhere you look ❤️ #estespark #fallrivercabin
Elk crossing
Taking a stroll on this lovely day
Bobcat: "get off my lawn!"
I think we found a new hire for security! Bobcat hustles off the turkeys
Lock your doors - bears come through this area frequently, we are 4 miles from RMNP
This is the time of year bears are checking all cars as they scavenge for food - this is a reminder to always lock your doors. They are well versed in opening them!
Bear attempted theft :)
A good reminder to never leave food in your car and always lock your doors
Behind Kind Coffee seating area
The river is flowing and it's a beautiful day here in Estes Park!
Off season is a great time to explore RMNP and avoid the crowds! Plus there are some fun sledding spots!
Front lawn visitors - happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!