The perfect couples trip to central Florida? Say no more. ❤️
Padilla fam, thank you for trusting me with your special visit to Orlando. I'm so glad you both enjoyed such a nice time together! Come visit again soon. You both are too sweet.
#Offtoneverlandtravel #HireAMagicMaker #CouplesTrip #Anniversary #DisneyAdulting #WaltDisneyWorld #AllTheFeels
A lot of very cold, very icy winter weather is coming for much of the US. It's exciting at first, sure. But after the initial excitement wears off...... Well, you know where I'm going with this. Why not make a plan to get out of the snow this year and into the sun-drenched sands of somewhere tropical and fantastic instead? Think of your area's worst month for snow. Is it this month? Maybe for you, it's not about the amount of powder you receive, but at what point you are beyond ready to bid it farewell? Check your calendar and send me a quick message. Let's get you warmed up. 🫶 🏖
In my early years as a travel professional, while I was still figuring it all out, I neglected to share some information with a client. They provided feedback that it would have been helpful to know about XYZ. I can't even recall what it was. It left me feeling terrible. From then on, I made a proactive plan to not only inform but maybe even over-inform my clients for each and every vacation they take. So, think of my informational emails as a grand buffet. Important ones are always marked and usually followed up with a text or phone call, just to be on the safe side. Everything else is pick and choose to review as you wish! I may make this face, but I also understand. 🤣
#hireamagicmaker #BestToBeOverlyImformed #CantSayIDidntTellYou #TravelProfessional #AllTheDetails #YouKnowIMakeThisFace #IStillLoveYou
2024 was my biggest travel year to date, and so many wonderful experiences came from it. From California to Ireland, DC and New York, Cabo to Cancun, the Bahamas, St. Kitts, and many more. It's been a wild ride. Here is to an even more exciting and amazing 2025! ✨️ Happy New Year, everyone. ❤️ Bri
#2024Recap #HappyNewYear #NewYearsEve #YearInReview
Wish granted! ✨️
A vacation to experience the world's best beach? ✔️ for the Oakes Family!
@beachesturksandcaicos Jami Oakes #BeachesResorts @beachesresorts #TurksOrBust #VacayRecap #Paradise #WorldsBestBeach #hireamagicmaker #offtoneverlandtravel Swa Winkler Bdm
Dreaming of a family all-inclusive getaway in Mexico or Jamaica in 2025? Make 2025 your best year yet: Get up to 45% off stays at Palace Resorts & Moon Palace, $750 Resort Credit included for spa, tours and more. Plus, kids and teens under 17 stay FREE. DM me to learn more.
Choreography might be involved. It could happen. ✨️
#Wicked #yourejusttoogood #WhatIsThisFeeling #Glynda #glyndagoodwitch #travelprofessional #TravelAdvisor
It looked a lot like this. 😉
Love our Off to Neverland Travel ®️ team!
#TeamOTN #summit2024 #Gather #Offtoneverlandtravel #RoyalCaribbean Royal Caribbean International
Ok, friends. If I can do this, so can you! Unflattering though colorful jumpsuit? Check. Hair tied back and tennis shoes on as required, also check. Heart rate increasing at a rapid pace? All the checks!
Crowns Edge on board Royal's Icon of the Seas is one heck of a thrill experience. While it isn't included in the price of your cruise, it can often be purchased at a sale price in advance. I have a few tips to help prepare you for this experience, so if you'd like to get Icon on your calendar, let's talk once I return!
Now, with all of that said and after you see my exciting vodeo below.... Who is ready to take the leap on Crowns Edge on board Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas? 😉 🛳 👑
#RoyalCaribbean #IconOfTheSeas #CrownsEdge #LookMaIDidIt #Uniqueexperiences #HireAMagicMaker #Offtoneverlandtravel
We have all been waiting for this! Off to Neverland Travel ®️ sails on board the iconic ICON of the Seas by Royal Caribbean International today! I can't wait to reconnect with our team, explore, have some fun, and help grow and uplift one another. It's going to be an exciting week as we sail the eastern Caribbean!
#OTNSummit2024 #Ivebeenwaitinforthis #RoyalCaribbean #VacationRoyally #TeamOTN #letsCruise #cruiselife #offtoneverlandtravel
Just two days remain until Off to Neverland Travel®️ takes on Icon of the Seas for Summit 2024! How much do we have to explore? This is just a few.
In just five short days, Off to Neverland Travel®️ takes on Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas! 🛳
We can't wait to welcome our team on board for a whole week of learning, growth, sun and fun!
#OTNSummit2024 #IconOrBust #offtoneverlandtravel