Recently, the Town of Fence notified our office and the County that they would be closing all of their town roadways to ATV traffic on November 1st. This could have been a huge impact on the Florence County trail system as several of their roads are the main connection ATV Routes for the Trail from the East side of Florence County to the West side of the county.
Administration from our office, Florence County Forestry and Parks, Florence County Economic Development and the Blue Ox Trail Riders association met to formulate a plan to assist the Town of Fence so that these roadways could remain OPEN to ATV use.
In working TOGETHER, we are pleased to announce that the Town of Fence will keep their town roads open to ATV traffic. We believe this is in the best interest of all tax payers, either seasonal or permanent. This keeps our trail system as one of the best and also boosts our economy and tourism for ATV, Snowmobile and any recreational use.
As always, our office will continue to do our best to patrol our roadways and trails. It is our duty to keep our residents and visitors safe and we will issue citations for any ATV violations that we investigate or observe.
Thank you for working together!