Grand Canyon rock fall! Nature’s raw power at work! Rock falls, flash floods, and debris flows are a part of what shapes the Grand Canyon into the breathtaking wonder it is today. While rare, these unpredictable natural events remind us of the canyon's untamed beauty—and its risks. The Grand Canyon isn’t engineered for safety, so exploring it means respecting its power and embracing its unpredictability. Being in the Grand Canyon has many incredible rewards, but there are inherent risks as well. Fortunately this particular rock fall was in the upper rock layers and no significant rock fall reached the river or camps in that area.
Video filmed by Wendi Merritt on a GCNPS River Trip in November 2024. #naturespower #gcnp #rawnature #grandcanyonnationalparkservice #rockfall #nature #grandcanyon #coloradoriver #grandcanyonrafting
MNA Dragon Geology Map AzRA Field Trip
Awesome field trip for some of the AzRA staff and guides yesterday to the Museum of Northern AZ! We had a private tour with geologist Wayne Ranney on the beautiful and fascinating Grand Canyon “Dragon” geology map! This map has been out of print for awhile, it has recently become available again!
🌍🎉 Happy National Recycling Day! 🎉🌍 Today we honor our planet by embracing sustainability! We crush our cans on the river to bring to the recycle center after the trip. ♻️✨
🎥: David S #RecycleForTheFuture #SustainableLiving #azraftcamping
A review of tonight of one of the recently digitized historic Grand Canyon movies. FREE at the NAU Cline Library 7PM. Hosted by local Geology Educator/Author Wayne Ranney, River Historian/Researcher Richard Quataroli, and Documentary Photographer/Filmmaker Dawn Kish.
#gcnp #grandcanyonhistory #grandcanyonriverrunners #history #coloradoriver #nau
Today is National Quiet Day! Did you know the bottom of the Grand Canyon is an incredibly quiet place? Check out this video of a silent float which are often done on both our motor and oar adventures. Embrace the peacefulness and tranquility of this special day by taking a moment to relax and reflect. Celebrate with a traditional cup of tea, cozy up by a fire or quiet place, and enjoy some quality alone time. Remember to cherish the silence and find joy in the stillness. Wishing you all a serene and restful day!
📷: Tim Yoder #NationalQuietDay #PeaceAndQuiet
Happy National TP Day! 🧻 Don't worry—our rafting trips are fully stocked with all the soft cushy TP you need, so there's no need to bring your own or panic-pack those precious rolls! We've got your a_s covered, with "Who Gives a Crap" or "Seventh Generation" Toilet Paper products. Both brands are eco friendly with 100% recycled toilet paper is strong and doesn't tear easily. 😅 For more info on the bathroom situation on the river go to the blog link in our bio and search for "How to Get Your Groove On, On the River"
#NationalTPDay #RaftingLife #AdventureReady #groovertips #aiimages
Choo-Choo here comes the LCR train. Rafting participants often do a short stop and swim in the pristine Little Colorado River. Leaving the area as perfect and untarnished as it was when they arrived. There is no camping allowed in this area. The Little Colorado river confluence is revered by several tribes associated with the Grand Canyon region.
AzRA acknowledges that we are located on and visit the ancestral homelands of the Diné (Navajo), Havasu Baaja (Havasupai), Hoputuh Shi-ni-mu (Hopi), Hwal-Pai (Hualapai), Nde (Apache Western/Yavapai), Nuciu (Ute), and Numa (Paiute) Peoples, past and present. We thank the people who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial and the vibrant Native communities who make their homes here today.
📷: Benjamin R #lcr #littlecoloradoriver #confluence #riverfun #rivertrain #azraftfun #GrandCanyon #RaftingAdventure #NatureTherapy #coloradoriver #gcnp
Who likes floating down the river listening to live music. Raft guide Tyler Holt has extra talent! It is not unusual for some of our guide(s) to be talented musician on our trips. Always an extra bonus to be serenaded with live music while drifting downriver!
📽️Michael H #guidetalent #azraftguides #grandcanyonguides #riverguide @coloradoriver #gcnp #guide #classicadventure
Tasty Tuesday! Not sure what to call this lunch sandwich but it looks tasty!
📽️: Judd Sather #tastytuesday #azraftluch #azraftfood
Happy World Environment Day to all! 🎉🌿 Let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of our planet and commit to protecting it for future generations. Whether it's planting trees, reducing waste, or supporting eco-friendly initiatives, every little effort makes a difference. Together, we can make a positive impact on the world around us. AzRA donates to 1% for the Planet! 🌍💚
#WorldEnvironmentDay #NatureIsCalling #1%fortheplanet
Wildlife Wednesday! The incredible chorus of courting canyon tree frogs up a side canyon in the Grand Canyon! Sometimes folks think they have heard bleating big horn sheep, however, sheep are mostly silent animals. Sound On!
📽️: Hilary Coolidge Footage from April 2, 2024 rafting adventure #canyontreefrog #frog #wildlfewednesday #grandcanyonamphibians #grandcanyonwildlfe #treefrog #gcnp #nature #optoutside
Rafting through Grand Canyon is the means to exploring places like this. Blacktail Canyon. #blaktail #GCNP #ExploreTheWorld #azrafthiking #hiking #explore #slotcanyon #grandcanyonhiking