We are more than cruises!
While CRUISE is in our name, Expedia Cruises is a full-service travel agency backed by the #1 brand in travel. We are a brick & mortar retail Center, but can serve clients anywhere USA, offering clients the opportunity to meet in person to build a personal relationship as we set on a journey to be your Travel Agency for life.
Our Team are passionate travelers themselves, work in a collaborative environment to help you, have many resources at our finger tips and treat your vacation like it is ours when we are planning on your behalf.
We host events at the Center as well as out in the community to educate you, share our relationships with our Travel partners and add value to your next trip as a THANK YOU. Ask us about our EES Staterooms!
Expedia Cruises Flower Mound was named Best Travel Agency of Denton County for 2018 & 2019. Call, stop or shoot us an email. We would love to hear from you as we plan your next vacation but more importantly we want hear about your vacation experience when you return.