EJs Enterprise Travel & Events

EJs Enterprise Travel & Events Let Us Be Your Cruise Group Specialist - We also book all types of travel (air, land resorts, etc.) Also present and promote entertainment events. No problem.

Welcome to EJ’s Travel and Events. Our travel professionals in New Jersey and Florida eagerly await the opportunity to coordinate the vacation of your dreams. Our specialty is all inclusive cruising because it has proven to be the most economical and fulfilling vacation for our customers. We pledge the utmost in service to each and every one of our customers. If you long to cruise from one of our

traditional ports in New Jersey, Florida or anywhere else, we will be there for you. Cruising not for you? Our commitment to excellence covers all travel plans as well as the coordinating of special events for groups. Please contact us soon.We can’t wait to help you create group travel memories to cherish for a lifetime or to help you coordinate and promote an event.

For all those who want to cruise from NY/NJ/PA without flying

For all those who want to cruise from NY/NJ/PA without flying


Thank you to the group of 100+ on Carnival Horizon 8 day last week. After so much devastation in our hometown your expressions of encouragement were uplifting and appreciated. Thank you for choosing EJs for your travel experience.


Horizon Group, if you want or need to take an omicron covid shot or booster, do it now just in case you have a reaction. Don't wait til you're close to sailing date. Here in Florida we noticed that availability of shots and appointments is getting scarcer as the funding of the free shots has been reduced.


Our ejsenterprise Instagram was hacked. If you are still shown as following there, unfollow and report that user. Our new Instagram is now ejstravelevents thank you


Upcoming group of 40, Carnival Mardi Gras this weekend. You all should have checked in on line by now. If you haven't please do so now. Please have all your covid requirement documents ready and packed. Above everything else have your valid identification ready to go. See you on the ship, and thank you for using EJs.


Northeast people stay safe and warm in the upcoming storm.


For those who are having concerns about traveling right now we strongly suggest buying travel insurance. Warmer climates have far less or no chance of having flues in their area, and by late May the flu season is over.


Computer diagnostics, electrical, 6, 22, 24 volt chipped keys. Radio, stereo, golf carts, etc. If it involves wires I'm the one to hire. Own tools and diagnostic system. Clean record and license. Located Fort Myers. 2012539550

ALL NEW ITENERARIES FOR 2020 - go to www.ejstravelevents.comMay 9-14 5 Star All Inclusive Resort special discount for ea...

ALL NEW ITENERARIES FOR 2020 - go to www.ejstravelevents.com
May 9-14 5 Star All Inclusive Resort special discount for early bookers
May 4 -9 Carnival Sensation Jamaica & Grand Cayman
Aug 23-30 Carnival Fascination Southern Caribbean
Oct 31 - Nov 7 - CARNIVALS LARGEST AND GRANDEST MARDI GRAS Mesico and Mahogony Bay

We offer installment payments for all of our cruises. You can call us with credit card info, or mail a check or money order.


I am sharing this from another group. Feel free to add to the list in the comments. Some of this is port specific but overall excellent info...

1) Download the “Carnival Hub” app before your cruise. Before the cruise it is a countdown clock. During your cruise it shows the daily schedule (same as the Fun Times), menus, and a map of the ship and account summary. On a few of the newer or updated ships, you can also see and purchase your Pixel photos. The Carnival Hub is free to use on your cruise. For a $5 per cruise fee you can also use the Carnival Hub app to chat (text message) with other cruisers who are onboard with you.

2) Don't over pack. Lots of sites have packing lists and a list of everything that somebody has ever found useful on a cruise. You won't use everything. Gift shops are expensive on the ship.

3) If you find you need something that you don’t have, post on your individual Facebook group page. Chances are good that one of them has what you need. Common needs include over the counter medications and wine keys (corkscrews.)

4) Each cabin has a single 110V outlet by the desk. (Sometimes the larger suites and newer ships have more outlets.) Many cruisers bring an extension cord to charge their electronics. Do not bring one with a surge protector – these are not allowed. I bring a charging station, it’s small, has 6 charging ports and takes up less place. I can charge 6 different devices at the same time.

5) Check in time is enforced in Galveston, if you arrive before your time you will have to wait outside the terminal – where there is no place to sit.

6) The safety briefing (muster drill) is mandatory by international law. Don't try to skip it – Carnival scans Sail and Sign cards at the safety briefing and knows who is missing. The faster everybody checks in at their muster station the faster this mandatory safety briefing will end. On the Carnival Breeze the muster stations are inside and most of us will get to sit. (On some ships the muster stations are outside and everybody stands for the briefing.)

7) It takes a while for Carnival to deliver 8,000 to 10,000 pieces of luggage, so be patient. Some luggage does not arrive until dinner time. Pack anything you want or need the first day in your carry-on – swim suits, medication, etc. The dress code in the dining rooms and specialty restaurants is casual on the first night because some people will not have received their luggage before dinner.

😎 Store your empty suitcases under the bed.

9) The ironing rooms/laundry rooms are very busy the afternoon of the first cruise elegant evening – usually the first sea day. Save time standing in line for one of the few guest irons onboard by doing any ironing on embarkation day. They are located on the odd numbered stateroom/cabin side.

10) There are a lot of activities on the ship, especially on sea days. Don't try to do everything - too hectic. Pace yourself, you’ll get there.

11) You will be on a ship with ~3500 guests - so there will be lines at certain times - for example noon for lunch on the Lido deck. Avoiding peak times by 20-30 minutes usually results in much shorter lines.

12) You can tell how many days a guest has cruised by the color of their Sail and Sign card. Blue - first cruise. Red - 2nd cruise to 24 days. Gold - 25-74 days. Platinum - 75-199 days. Diamond (white) 200+ days. Many experienced cruisers are happy to answer questions and give advice or answering questions.

13) There is a map of the ship in the elevator lobbies that is oriented to the ship. For example, the bow (front) of the map points to the bow of the ship.

14) You can order as many dishes as you want in the dining room. Feel free to order multiple appetizers and entrees. This is a good opportunity to try new foods - if you don't like it your server team will gladly bring you something else. If their is an appetizer that you like, ask your server if you can have it as an entree (Does not apply to the specialty restaurants.)

15) A cruise is a great opportunity for making friends, some can last a lifetime!!!

16) The towel animals take over the lido deck early one morning on every cruise – usually 1 or 2 days before the end of the cruise. Often impressive, this is a favorite picture opportunity for many.

17) Have fun. Try something new. What happens on a ship stays on the ship - unless a video goes viral.

18) Internet access on the cruise ships is much better than in the past, but will be slower than you are used to on land. My experience is the speed of the internet varies from good to horrible based on how many other guests are sharing the limited bandwidth. Speed is best early in the morning – before 10 AM. Internet speed is also good on port days until about an hour before departure. Internet speed is often very slow in the evenings and just after reboarding in ports when lots of guests are posting pictures and videos. There is a discount for purchasing Internet access before the cruise. Wi-Fi to use the Carnival Hub app and a few Carnival sites is free.

19) International roaming fees for using your cell phone on-board are very expensive. Put your phone in airplane mode and turn on wi-fi to use the Carnival Hub app. Check with your individual carrier to see what you plan covers.

20) Always stay on ship time, which may be different from the local port time. If you use your cell phone be careful that it does not connect to the local cell service and switch to local time. The ship will sail without you if you are late – and getting to the next port is at your expense. (Carnival will wait if one of their shore excursions is late.)

21) Follow Carnival's instructions for debarkation (leaving the ship at the end of the cruise). They do this every week and know how to move people smoothly. Remember that you cannot see what is happening in the terminal and Carnival will let you relax on the ship rather than stand in a long line for Customs in the terminal.

22) An easy way (and the only way) to get around a long line for Customs is to use a porter. They work for tips and have an express line to Customs.

23) The state of Texas taxes alcohol and to***co products when you get off the ship - even for non-Texas residents. Guest Services has the forms. They will ask you if you have anything to declare.

24} Keep your hands washed, use Purell dispensers located throughout the ship!!!

25) Bring small bills for ports if you plan on shopping at the local stands. They might not be able to break a large bill and you certainly don’t want someone walking off with a $100.00 of your money hoping to get change back.

26) Before you board it might be a good idea on embarkation day, to take a photograph with your phone of one of your luggage tags, showing your deck and cabin number. Then, set that photo as the "lock screen" photo on your phone. This will do two things... 1. If you accidentally walk off and leave your phone somewhere, as soon as someone looks, they'll know exactly which cabin it needs to go to. 2. If you got the Cheers! program and accidentally walk off and leave your BRAIN sitting somewhere, a quick look at your phone will tell you which cabin YOU need to go to! 😂

27) put a copy of your luggage tag inside of each suitcase and carry on- if the tag comes off, they will unzip and and know which cabin it belongs to.

28) Warning-cruising is addictive, welcome to the club!!


if the State Department were to issue a Travel Advisory on the United States, this is what it would look like:


Beware that an average of 78 foreign tourists are murdered by gun shot in the United States every year, and an average of 1,800 die every year of "natural" (mysterious) causes.

Those considering travel to the United States should evaluate their personal security situation in light of heightened threats from political turmoil, crime, infectious disease and law enforcement agents. Millions of people visit the United States safely each year, but injury and death can occur at any time.

Personal Security

Travelers to the United States have been victims of violent crime, including homicide, r**e and kidnapping. Threat of violence is high in the nation’s Midwest, following a high-profile shooting in August by a law enforcement officer in the village of Ferguson. Although reports indicate that subsequent protests have generally appeared measured and nonviolent, the use of armored personnel carriers, body armor and heavy weaponry by law enforcement officers indicates that the threat posed by organizing Americans is extreme.

Visitors belonging to a minority race should use particular caution when traveling to areas of the United States where police officers may be present. Ethnic and religious divisions continue to permeate political discourse across the country. Inflammatory sectarian rhetoric is particularly high in the nation’s capital, and in recent years has escalated so severely as to cause a complete shutdown of the federal government. Travelers should prepare an emergency evacuation plan in case of government shutdown.

Gun Crime

The proliferation of weapons has turned the United States into a particularly volatile place, with thousands of illegal fi****ms falling into criminal hands. There are 97 guns for every 100 American residents—more guns per capita than any other country in the world. In consideration of recent shootings in a women’s health facility, a music concert and even a spa, tourists are advised to avoid all places of recreation and entertainment.

An April 2013 terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon is a reminder that travelers should avoid traditional American cultural events wherever they occur. (Public outrage toward the surviving alleged perpetrator of the attack has subsided somewhat after it became apparent that he was physically attractive.) Event size or location is no signifier of safety. Reports of state-sanctioned snipers at a recent rural town pumpkin festival were initially though to be indicative of over-policing, until 2014 when that event was marred by a large-scale riot with thousands of dollars of criminal damage inflicted on the town, resulting in several arrests.

In recent years, some U.S. territories have enacted “stand your ground” or “shoot first” laws of self-defense that allow a citizen who feels his property is under threat to carry out a pre-emptive death penalty against the suspected intruder. Research suggests that a white person who penalizes someone of a minority race in this way is 17 times more likely to be absolved of any wrongdoing than a minority who penalizes a white person. Minority travelers are therefore advised to try harder to avoid being perceived as threatening.

Border Control Issues

The refugee crisis rages on along the nation’s southern border, with tens of thousands of minors arriving seeking asylum. Angry, gun-wielding mobs have turned back buses of unarmed children seeking refuge, as well as at least one bus of mostly Hispanic-looking children on a recreational field trip from an Arizona YMCA summer camp. Refugees traveling to the United States are advised to use a northern or maritime point of entry instead, or avoid the numerous states where the authorities are openly hostile to the concept of minority.

Sexual Freedom

LGBT visitors are warned against traveling to the United States, where anti-homosexual “hate crimes” are still known to occur. These individuals should instead consider travel to Uganda, where reports indicate that only one targeted murder of an LGBT individual occurred in 2011, compared with an estimated 30 in the United States that same year.

External Threats

U.S. law enforcement has disrupted hundreds of terrorist plots across the country since 2001, but the possibility remains that others have gone forward undetected. The majority of these known plots were concocted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation through undercover “sting” operations. Muslims traveling to America should be aware that they are particularly vulnerable to targeting by federal operatives who seek to recruit them into a terrorist plot, so they may later be arrested and prosecuted for terrorism-related offenses.

Natural Disasters and Emergencies

Forest fires rage unpredictably in the nation’s West during the summer months; the State Department therefore strongly urges against travel to that region of the country. Lack of disaster preparedness poses a serious threat to travelers, especially those visiting coastal areas. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy killed 285 people and left some of the nation’s most impressive beachfront property in disarray and unsuitable for tourism. Visitors traveling to costal areas should carry flashlights, pocketknives, waterproof matches and at least a seven-day supply of food and water with them at all times.

America’s emergency infrastructure remains weak and financially inaccessible to many travelers. An estimated 721,800 cases of Hospital Acquired Infections were recorded last year largely because of poor government regulation. Travelers should take precautions to protect themselves against contagious diseases such as influenza and pneumonia, which kill more than 50,000 people in the United States each year—50 times more deadly than Ebola, which caused a major scare in the country in 2015.

Urban Threats

Travelers are reminded that violent and sometimes fatal criminal attacks, including armed carjackings, drive-by shootings, burglaries and kidnappings can occur at any time and in any location, particularly in cities. Travelers to major cities including New York should therefore avoid crowds.

Those residing in the United States should be extremely vigilant with regard to their personal security, particularly in crowded public places such as clubs, hotels, resorts, shopping centers, restaurants, bus stations and places of worship. Travelers should also remain alert in residential areas, at schools and at outdoor recreational events.

Travelers should use common sense precautions at all times, to include the following practices: avoid crowded transportation venues; visit only legitimate businesses and tourist areas only during daylight hours; use well-marked taxis and be sure to lock vehicle doors and keep windows up; lock all lodging doors and windows; carry minimal amounts of cash and credit cards; do not wear jewelry that attracts undue attention; know emergency phone numbers; do not resist or antagonize armed criminals; and always be aware of your surroundings.

These measures can help ensure your travel to the United States is safe and enjoyable.


6 million people travel to the DR each year and currently the resorts are 85+% full.
Robert Sinclair, a spokesman for travel agency AAA’s northeast division, said travel to the DR has so far been unaffected. People who come to New York are taking the same chances as going to the DR,” Sinclair said.

Local authorities say the tourists died of natural causes, and there is no proof of a trend. The State Department has not issued a travel warning, and U.S. authorities have not asserted any connection between the deaths or foul play. Local investigators, the FBI is aiding with toxicology reports. (As a result United Airlines has not issued a travel waiver at this time and will charge a penalty for any cancellations)
Miranda Schaup-Werner, 41, of Allentown, Pa., was celebrating her 10th wedding anniversary when she died May 25, within 24 hours of arriving at her hotel room. An autopsy report showed pulmonary and cardiac problems.
An autopsy found that Nathaniel Edward Holmes, 63, of Temple Hills and Cynthia Ann Day, 49, of Upper Marlboro, died after their lungs filled with fluid, leading to respiratory failure, according to the national police.
Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz was shot in the back late Sunday in an ambush at an outdoor restaurant and bar in Santo Domingo, the capital.
A well-known yoga instructor from Pennsylvania died this week after being dragged by fast-moving waves in a resort town in the Dominican Republic. She was caught in a rip current as at least one friend watched while unable to help, according to El Día.
A couple driving at night to the airport on a very bad road, the rental car company had told them it was not a good idea, they did it anyway.
Oxycodone was found being used by one of the couples.
Lady claiming to be attacked was trying to get 2.2 million dollars out of the resort, the insurance company refused because they said there were too many inconsistencies in her stories.


The cruise and airline companies are not making any special arrangements, not offering any alternatives, nor canceling fees for cancellation of travel to the Dominican Republic. So if you cancel you will be subject to normal cancellation fees. Until further notice. 🤷🏽‍♀️


OK Jamaican Group for this weekend you can check in for your flights now


the October 2019 Mediterranean Cruise is, SOLD OUT. Thanks to all who reserved. We are taking names to put on our just in case someone cancels list.


Fort Myers, FL


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