In talking with Cara a few days ago, she was excited about the increase in birding opportunities in #yellowstone starting this month. For example, this Yellow Headed Blackbird is not only striking, but volume up to hear its calls!
#yellowstonebirding #yellowstonebirdwatching #yellowheadedblackbird #birdwatching #birdwatchinginyellowstone #ornithology #inournature #inournatureguiding #wildlifetours #wildlifetour #guidedtour #toursstillavailable #bookyourtour #comebirdwatchwithus
Just some photos from snow days over the years. So many great things to see!
#snowday #snowsnowsnow #snowdays #snowday❄️ #lookingback #memories #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #yearroundmetalenjoyment #yearroundtourism #visityellowstone #bookyourtour #visityellowstonenationalpark #visityellowstonenp #inournature #inournatureguiding #welovesnow #welovewinter
While the weather in #yellowstone is warming up, there is still snow on the ground in some areas. These elk look to be participating in some snow shenanigans 🤣
#yellowstonenationalpark #yellowstoneelk #elkshenanigans #shenanigans #snow #lastofsnow #yellowstonenps #visityellowstone #visitus #tourphotography #inournature #guiding #wildlifeguide #wildlife
Did you know #yellowstone has beavers?? They might be hard to spot, but our guides can point them and their engineering out to you!
#yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonebeaver #beaverdam #guidedtour #guidedtours #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #guidelife #ourguides #ourguidesarethebest #wildlife #inournature #tourphotography #inournatureguidingservices #whatwesee #whatweseeontour
Check out these Yellowstone wolves having a little fun!!! As always, we recommend that all guests keep a safe distance and utilize the incredible scopes we provide so you can be safe and see some spectacular wildlife displays!!
#yellowstone #yellowstonewolves #wolves #packplay #wolfpack #wolvesplaying #funtimes #safetyfirst #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #guidedtours #guidedtour #whatyouseeontour #alwayssomething #wildlifeguide #localguides #yellowstonenps #yellowstonenationalpark #visitus #visityellowstone
Celebrate Earth Day with us! We've got tours available to show you all the incredible #wildlife that #yellowstonenationalpark has to offer! #InOurNature #guidedtours #WildlifeAppreciation
We do a surprising amount of talking about the bathroom habits of #yellowstonewildlife 😆 Part of that is due to identifying the different types of scat we might see throughout the day. Listen in as our guide identifies another reason we pay attention!
#yellowstonewolf #yellowstone #pottybreak #wolf #wolfwatching #winterwildlife #alwayslearning #listenin #soundon #wildlife #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #wolfinsnow #watchingwolves #inournature #inournatureguidingservices #guidelife #ourguidesrock #visityellowstone #bookyourtour #guidedtour #guidedtours
Since we did yoga yesterday, we are sticking with that vibe for our #scenicsunday this week. Turn the volume up and enjoy this incredible view!
#scenery #scenic #scenicview #scenefromhere #theview #calm #waterfall #springwaterfalls #waterfalls #soundon #inournature #inournatureguidingservices #yellowstoneviews #yellowstonescenery #visityellowstone #visitus #bookatour #guidedtour #wildlifetours
Can you imagine trying to spot this mountain lion during the summer against the brown backdrop of the rocks and soil? Yeah, winter snow helps, but our guides gave eagle eyes!!!
#inournature #inournatureguidingservices #eagleeyes #mountainlion #mountainlioninsnow #yellowstonemountainlion #guidelife #pointingoutthewildlife #wildlife #yellowstonewildlife #guidedtours #guidedtour #tourlife #showingofftheanimals #spottingthewildlife #wildlifephotography #tourphotography
On one of our recent tours, we got a chance to see this wolf frolicking in the snow! Listen in to our guide talk about wolf behavior!
#alwayslearning #listenin #wolf #wolfbehavior #frolicking #frolickingwolves #wolfinsnow #winterwildlife #yellowstonewolves #yellowstonewolf #yellowstonewinter #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #recenttour #tourvideo #guidedtour #guidelife #yellowstoneguide
Are you avoiding a #winterwildlife tour because snow is cold? Trust me, I understand! The thing to keep in mind is that there are some animals that are active during winter you might now spot at another time. Also, the snow makes a great backdrop and animals, like this #coyote are a little easier to spot!
It’s not too late to get in a tour this year, or you can start planning for this upcoming winter season!
#wildlife #wildlife #tour #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #wildlifetourguide #yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonepark #winterwildlifetour #winterwildlife #bookyourtournow #BookYourTourNow #coyote #Yellowstone #will #yellowstonewildlife #Yellowstone #coyote #yellowstonecoyote #inournature #InOurNature #inournatureguiding #inournatureguidingservices #inournatureguides
Just some #yellowstonenationalpark big horn sheep out for a stroll! #yellowstonetour #guidedtours #guidedtour #wildlifeguide #bookyourtour #wintertours #wintertour #WinterTour #inournatureguiding #bighornsheep #visityellowstoneinwinter #winterscene #wildlifetours #tourphotography #yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonewildlife #wildlifetour #photosfromtours #visityellowstone #visityellowstonepark #womanownedbusiness
While this video was taken on a #wildlifetour in Yellowstone a few years ago, the information is still worth a second listen!
#wildlifetours #yellowstonenp #yellowstonewildlife #winterwildlife #moose #yellowstonemoose #alwayslearning #listen #yellowstonetour #guidedtour #guidedtours #inournature #inournatureguidingservices
Was checking my weather app to see the weekend forecast and found myself chuckling at the wording of the today’s weather summary, “A good deal of sunshine”🤣😂
#forecast #gardinermontana #weather #lookingattheweekend #visitgardinermt #comevisitus #dontfirgetthesunscreen #inournature
While this clip is from a tour from May of ‘23, listen in as Cara talks about the winter eating habits of moose in Yellowstone! In case you want to see this in action, check out yesterday’s reel😉
#yellowstone #yellowstonewildlife #wildlife #guidedtours #guidedtour #yellowstonenps #mooseinyellowstone #moose #listenandlearn #listenup #guidelife #thethingsweknow #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #alwayslearning #moosepoop
#throwbackthursday to almost 3 years ago! Check out the flexible lips on this moose! Only the tender ends of the branches for this discerning palette!
#inournature #mooselips #winterwildlife #yellowstonemoose #yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonenps #yellowstone #inournatureguiding #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #wintertours #mooseeatingtendershoots #guidedtours #guidedtour #yellowstoneguidedtour
Don’t worry, the sound on your phone is working fine (well, we can only assume so since we aren’t right there with you), this wolf howling is just out of range of our microphones!
#yellowstonewolves #yellowstonewolf #wolfhowl #yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonetour #tour #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #wolf #inournature #inournatureguidingservices #guidelife #tourphotography
Did you know that now is one of the best times to view wolves in Yellowstone? Check out this cute video of a pack just chillin and playing in the snow. Voice over provided by Cara;)
#inournature #guidedtours #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #yellowstonewolves #wolfpack #wolvesinthesnow #tourguide #guides #whatyouseeontour #tourphotography #visityellowstone #comevisitus #cometourwithus #bookyourtournow
Normally we don’t encourage people to approach the wildlife. However, on one of her trips last year, Cara was able to spend time with some very adorable King Penguin chicks, who she describes as “curious, adorable brown monsters”. Definitely listen with the sound on all the way till the end!
#kingpenguins #kingpenguinchick #traveling #guidelife #alwayslearning #seeingthewildlife #wildlife #newildlife #tourguide #guideonvacation #wildlifeguide #guidelifestyle
Just a White-tailed Jackrabbit get in their morning hops! Video taken on one of our recent tours😄
#tourphotography #winterwildlife #wildlife #yellowstonewildlife #yellowstonewinter #winter #sniw #whitetailedjackrabbit #jackrabbit #inournature #inournatureguidingservices #wildlifetour #wildlifetours #yellowstonewildlifetours