Another video by Wil of today's cruise.
A morning charter. Had a great time with this couple from Middletown, DE. Like me, they are big Philadelphia Eagles fans. We did see eagles today, the REAL thing!
They followed up with lunch at the Fishwhistle. Another video will follow. Thanks Wil!
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, due to the remnants of Hurricane Debby, the river was more than 2 ft over the marina docks. Thankfully all the boats at the Granary Marina, including Poor Dorothy, came out ok. The water receded overnight and although this video may not look like it, today was beautiful! This couple came down from the Philadelphia area. They sampled much of what Georgetown has to offer. They stayed at the Kitty Knight House, had dinners at The Fishwhistle and Deep Blue. Had breakfast at Sassafras Harbor Cafe and appetizers at Signals. And, oh yes, took a two-hour cruise with me.
Returning from yesterday's sunset cruise. Thanks to Eleanor for the video!
Returning from yesterday's sunset cruise. Thank you to Eleanor for the video!
Yesterday evening was beautiful on the river. This couple was celebrating his birthday with dinner at the Fishwhistle followed by a two hour sunset cruise.
Besides going down river to its mouth today, we went up river getting the bridge over the Sassafras River to open for us. An added benefit was that I had a nice conversation on the phone with the bridge tender.
Thanks to Wil for this video from today's cruise.