Big Kahuna's Fishing Guide Service

Big Kahuna's Fishing Guide Service We fish out of Moors Resort but will meet or pick up people in close proximity. We provide all tackle etc. and provide fish cleaning services.

Wound up finding a few this morning. Looking forward to some air fried gills . Learned lot in the time I spent on the wa...

Wound up finding a few this morning. Looking forward to some air fried gills . Learned lot in the time I spent on the water which was longer than normal for this time of year but I had breeze and cloud cover . Slow start but when the water started moving it got like it is supposed to be.

Woke up early as normal, lake was a little rough but with nothing else to do I decided to go for a bit. Looked for some ...

Woke up early as normal, lake was a little rough but with nothing else to do I decided to go for a bit. Looked for some White Bass first. Never found any concentrated but after several moves I scratched my fish out. After Thursday I thought I had figured something out on the Yellows. Wrong! Visited some places similar to where I caught them but it was pretty poor. Went to some of my most consistent places and they were a bust too. Still a decent mess of fish for the time I spent . Weather was gorgeous other than a little to much NE wind for my liking.

Getting ready to eat air fried White Bass, Yellows, Bluegill, White Beans, Cole Slaw, and Potato Salad. Travis is hungry! At 62 years old I have found the best gift you can give your wife is something she can do some work with! Except a rolling pin!

Have a great night, and rest of the weekend!

Back on the water for a bit this morning after taking a much needed break. Was up early as normal, peeked at the lake , ...

Back on the water for a bit this morning after taking a much needed break. Was up early as normal, peeked at the lake , saw it was fishable , hooked up the boat, splashed her and off I went to some places I had in mind. Stopped to look for some White Bass on some places I had not been in a while. Sampled a few off of each place, then moved to the next till I had my limit. Then it was time to do the same for some Yellows and Gills. Had some decent luck and did not stay anywhere long. Best part was going to an old Bass spot I had been wanting to try. Had not fished it in years and it paid off big dividends. I'm hoping these Yellows will start doing what they did last year. Time will tell.

Pretty good North wind forecast tomorrow. I'll have to see what she looks like in the morning before I decide if I'll go look around.

Looks like cooler temps on the way .School is starting up, looks like boating traffic , and visitors are slowing down. Fishing pressure seems to have as well. Darn the luck.
If you lIke what you see, and want to get in the boat with someone that puts in the time to find fish to show folks a good time give me a call at 270 331 3519. I'll do my best ! You never know till you go , and the only guarantee is there is no guarantee.

Recently my good buddy Kris came to visit me, and brought his grandson Ryder, and his friend Issac. They all needed a li...

Recently my good buddy Kris came to visit me, and brought his grandson Ryder, and his friend Issac. They all needed a little lake therapy, and we had high hopes of sending them home with enough fish for a big family get together.

The morning did not start off very well as my milk run was altered by uncontrollable circumstances, so we had to regroup and switch to Plan B. Plan B produced immediately getting us off to a good start. We even got lucky with a stripe jump right by the boat in which we were able to pluck several off. Manna from heaven!! Eventually we were able to go back to Plan A and finish out fish. We had a great morning with a lot of laughs, and we stayed busy with bent rods. Mission was accomplished on securing the fish for a family get together. Making piles, smiles, and memories!

I have had a great last few days. Lucky that things fell into place and we were able to find some fish willing to play the game. I have been after it pretty hard as of late. I am going to take a few days off to recharge my batteries, and reduce my stress. When I get back after it I have a list of places that I have made out I am going to visit to see what is happening. I have the lake divided into sections that I will cover each day. It is a lot of work, but my competitive nature always has me looking for a better mouse trap. Sometimes it works out, and new places that produce gives me a lot of satisfaction.

If you like what you see, and want to try to get some tugs give me a call at 270-331-3519. You never know till you go, and the only guarantee is there is no guarantee! Until next time stay safe!

I had the good fortune to have some old Buckeye buddies come visit me as of late. Ernie , Nick, and Kurt came to hang ou...

I had the good fortune to have some old Buckeye buddies come visit me as of late. Ernie , Nick, and Kurt came to hang out , and see what we could do. Luckily we were able to stumble up on a few. Lots of tugs, lots of laughs, and lots of fun. Weather was even more hot than the fishing.

Thanks guys for coming to visit. Great to catch up and tell old stories. Really blessed to find some fish with the less than ideal conditions. I will take the luck every day.

Early morning catching, mid morning fish fries, and plenty left over to smuggle back over state lines to feed each of your families! Freeze Miami Vice!

I got out early the other morning to beat the heat, and check some places I had not been to in some time. Found a few fi...

I got out early the other morning to beat the heat, and check some places I had not been to in some time. Found a few fish in places, sampled a few, and moved on to look elsewhere. Wound up with a pretty nice mess of fish, and learned a little bit while doing it. One never can have to many places to try to get folks a tug.

I took a couple of friends out this morning to try to get some tugs, and catch them some fish to eat. We had a tough sta...

I took a couple of friends out this morning to try to get some tugs, and catch them some fish to eat. We had a tough start . Not sure what the deal was, but bites were few, and size was another issue. We did get in one area and make a pretty good lick on a few.

After a couple of hours we made a group decision to abort what had been working for me, and hope for a 3 run homer. Looked like it was going to be a dumpster fire, but by divine intervention is my guess the last straw I had paid off. Manna from heaven is the way I call it! You just never know. Sometimes you have those days when you do not have much to lose. Gotta love some Tom Cruise in Risky Business! All you old timers know what I am talking about.

It has been hot. I am tired. May go in the morning , may not. Fish Burritos tonight from what the divers put on Megs hook yesterday morning.

After taking a couple of days off I got back on the water spending most of my time looking at new areas , or trying some...

After taking a couple of days off I got back on the water spending most of my time looking at new areas , or trying something different to make improvements. I did not keep any fish , but probably had 25 Gills and Yellows about half and half, 4 Catfish, and the one big Redear. Once again caught several throwbacks. Actually was able to find some small groups of fish for a change, and they seemed to be of better quality.

This morning I was able to get my wife out on the lake for the first time in a while. She had been in time out for not getting her work lists completed on time, but she served her sentence , and her behavior improved enough to get to go.

We spent our time checking some places I had not fished recently, and some not all year. Our best spot was a place I had not been to in several years, and it proved to be our best area. We also dropped in on a place where I had found a small group the other day to check it, caught a few and left. Anywhere we found fish we did not stay long so we could try to learn more. I burned about an hour looking for some White Bass capturing a whole 3 of them. It was nice to at least see one for a change. We had a good morning, she got to get her several tugs, and we kept a good mess for some fish burritos tomorrow night.

Right now folks in my boat it is fishing. I am doing what I can do to get as much action for folks as I possibly can. I am not going to run around all over the lake chasing a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when I think I can do what I have been doing to come up with something. It is not my favorite way to fish, but under the conditions it is the best I have to offer. I plan to keep a line in the water covering as much area as possible, and catch what I can catch. I keep thinking one of these days they are going to change the generation schedule up to where they run some water in the morning hours. It has definitely been a weird year. So for now I am going to dig my heels in, stay the course, and fish hard. I would like it to be better, but I am thankful to have been catching what I have been.

I was recently able to get out on the water with my friends Gus, Rich, and Jack. We had a real nice morning with clouds,...

I was recently able to get out on the water with my friends Gus, Rich, and Jack. We had a real nice morning with clouds, and a little breeze. The fishing was a challenge . We caught a ton of fish , but really struggled in the size factor department. No lack of action, and we kept after them and weeded through enough of them for a gallon bag of fillets. We enjoyed each others company sharing a lot of laughs, and good natured trash talk. Another fruit salad of fish with Yellow Bass, Bluegill, a Catfish, 2 keeper Sauger, and some small Bass. Lots of tugs, and a load of fun.

I  had another nice morning out on the Ky Lake with some friends. Once again we came out of the gates fast then it becam...

I had another nice morning out on the Ky Lake with some friends. Once again we came out of the gates fast then it became real fishing. Wind was aggravating, but it was fishable. Lots of action , just a lot of throwbacks. Most of the time we stayed busy catching something.
Seems as if it's 100 degrees and no wind at all and soaked with sweat by 8 or a comfortable morning with 4 foot swells. It is what it is!
We had a good time watching a young man put on a clinic on catching fish, while us older guys tried our best to out fish him . Well we lost! Just the way we wanted it to go!

I'm wore out. Not setting a clock tmrw. I may go prowl , I may not! I have to make sure Meg has all that work done on the list. Priority takes fist.

I'm just doing the best I can to get people some tugs , and fish to eat. Until things change I will keep riding this horse. Sometimes it's a winner, sometimes not!

I had a great time this morning with some new friends Thomas, Flynn, and Brian. Weather forecast was sketchy but we got ...

I had a great time this morning with some new friends Thomas, Flynn, and Brian. Weather forecast was sketchy but we got lucky . Clouds and breeze made it nice. Flynn put on a clinic! Awesome young fisherman ! Caught the first one, and the last one.! Never quit even when we went through some slow times. He obviously had to carry the load for the light weight folks he put up with.
Felt like I had knew these folks all my life. Lots of good conversations and camaraderie! Thanks to all of you for coming aboard, and putting up with me!

Right now folks this is what it is in my boat. Going to grind it out for as many tugs that I can. I can't make myself go to one or 2 places and Walt for one to swim by. Never have been a gambler or put the eggs in one basket so I will keep playing small ball. Everyone have a great night! Good rain here currently!

I had some real good old buddies come visit and hang out with me on the lake this morning. Donnie, little Al, and his da...

I had some real good old buddies come visit and hang out with me on the lake this morning. Donnie, little Al, and his dad Glenn came aboard to try to capture enough of something to have a fish fry. We left early to beat the heat which never got bad. Thankfully we had clouds, and breeze to keep us comfortable. Breeze actually became to much during the latter part.

I wasted part of the morning looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow on a White Bass snipe hunt. Those guys have got me figured out I guess. After that debacle I went back the my junk fishing to catch what we could.

Lots of throw backs once again, but lots of action, and a good mess of a fruit salad of fish for them to eat as far as I am concerned for what is going on in my boat. My plan is to keep grinding it out to catch what I can for folks. Not my favorite way to fish, but it is peaceful, and has been providing some action, and fish to eat. At the present moment it is the best I have to offer. Having said that if what I have to offer is not on your agenda, please call someone else that can achieve your goals. I want people to be satisfied when they go back home from this lake. Last thing I want is someone saying we did not catch enough, they were to small, we wanted Blue Marlin , you know the deal. I just do the best I can.

I had the pleasure to meet, and spend time on the water yesterday morning with some wonderful young people. Zander, Madi...

I had the pleasure to meet, and spend time on the water yesterday morning with some wonderful young people. Zander, Madison, and Carter came aboard to experience the lake , and try to catch some fish. While the fishing was a grind , we wound up with a decent mixed bag , and they got to catch their first fish ever on Kentucky Lake. The first couple of hours we had some clouds, breeze, and stayed relatively busy with some action. When the wind laid down, and the skies cleared the temperature got hot, and the fish catching was not. I really enjoyed these polite young people, and I can tell they have been properly raised. They hung in with me all morning long, and battled with me till the end.

This morning I made myself get up and put the boat in. Honestly , I wanted to rest , but my competitive nature rolled me out and I was fishing by 545. Once again a nice early breeze, cloud cover, even saw a rainbow. Visited some areas I had not been to, tried some different things. For the most part I eliminated some water. I may have learned one thing to try. Jury is still out.

I am just trying to catch fish for folks. Some kind, some way. Other guys may be , and probably are wearing them out. I am grinding it at the present moment, and will continue to do the same until I figure out a better venue. As far as my boat, it is what it is.

I had an opportunity to take a couple of friends out yesterday to see if we could catch them something to pull on their ...

I had an opportunity to take a couple of friends out yesterday to see if we could catch them something to pull on their line, and take home to eat. We played small ball for the most part junk fishing, covering water and hoping for whatever. Once again, lots of fish, lots of throwbacks, but we were able to secure them a gallon bag to take home.
I revisited the places I had found some schools of Yellows, and they did not pay off big dividends. Go figure!

Anyway we had a pleasant morning, caught a lot of fish, and they will eat well.

Until things change I will continue to do my thing, trying to catch what I can if folks are good with it. As I have said it is not my favorite way to fish, but if it provides tugs, and fish to eat that is what I will do. I have a hard time chasing something that may not happen when I have confidence in something that has been providing some action.

Everyone have a great night. It sure was hot today. Either no wind , or unfishable wind! Rarely an in between.


Now for my story of what I experienced today, and it is not the first time, but I was still in awe. In fishing you have community holes that are well known , and it is not uncommon for boats to line up and fish alongside one another. One in particular anyone that has ever White Bass fished here knows about. Then you have what I would refer to as places that are less frequented , mainly because for some reason they just do not hold fish as consistently as they did back in the day.

This morning I am fishing in an area I do not fish very often, which I rarely see a boat on (probably because there has not been a fish caught there in 10 years) and there is not a boat in sight. Off in the distance I see 2 boats side by side heading directly for me. I am thinking OK they just have not seen the bright Red boat, with a fat man wearing a Chartreuse Tshirt they will soon veer off. Wrong. 100 yards away they shut down and start idling directly at me and I am wondering is it undercover Wardens that are going to check me. Then I see little kids in each boat which makes it even worse because of what they are learning. The one boat idles within 10 yards off the bow of my boat , waves and I guess thought I was thrilled to have company then they shut down behind me a ways off and start fishing. OK , ill move you can have these 3 inch Yellows. So I move a couple of hundred yards away , throw out a marker , and before I get my trolling motor down Ill be damned if this guy is not headed over an in my pocket again, casting in front of my boat. Lines get tangled , they think they have a fish. Hey buddy you got my line, Oh Im sorry. At that point I just say hey man you can just have it, and his reply is its OK you can fish here.Ha! I can fish here? Really? No thanks I think I have had enough. My first thought was this guy obviously is not very bright or he would not be following me around , he would find someone actually catching something. I still am not sure of the mind set, because I do not think like that, but hey that is just me.

Moral of the story. If you do not know someone just go somewhere else. If a person wants you to fish by them they will call you, or wave you over. At the least stay wide of someone, then come in from behind , and ask politely. I would still be prepared to be told no in most cases, and if that is the case you were respectful, and just go on your merry way. Whether you are a local or not I am just trying to save you what could turn into a not so pleasant moment. The other part of this is kids were involved. What are you teaching these kids about the ethics of fishing?

Having said that this is just my opinion, and how I think. Everyone does not think like do, so I get it.

Looks like a washout tomorrow, and maybe a lot of wind Wednesday. Forecast is always subject to change.

After last Tuesday I did not fish until Mr. Ben and i went for an early morning prowling session Saturday. We caught a b...

After last Tuesday I did not fish until Mr. Ben and i went for an early morning prowling session Saturday. We caught a bunch of fish, once again a lot of small ones. Highlight of the morning was finding fish in an area I never had tried before. We wound up with 18 yellows , a few gills, a red ear, and a couple of catfish. More than enough for he and the wife to have fish tacos. We enjoyed each others company, and were off the water by 8:30, before the full insanity took place.

This morning I was back at it solo by 5:30. Hit an area I had not been to this year and captured a few keeper Yellows, and Gills, with several throw backs. Wasted quite a bit of time looking for the elusive White Bass that are avoiding my boat like I try to avoid physical labor. All I caught was someones line that had pulled on top of me, and threw in front of my boat. More on that later. I did find a couple of schools of Yellows all of which were 3 inches long.

I then decided to try looking in a different type of area and low and behold it worked at last for today. I was actually able to find some decent schools of Yellows both in number, and size. Where I found them I sampled a few, then left looking for more. A few decent gills, and even a red ear were mixed in.

So, right now it is fishing in my boat. Junk fishing, covering water, and trying to catch what I can. Hard for me to sit and wait for one to swim by, or keep waiting for the 3 run homer when I think I have a chance to catch something doing what I am . Not my favorite way to fish, but if it provides some tugs, and meat Ill keep after it. Another thing nice about it is it is peaceful, and I can fish anywhere I want without any interference. I would like to be filling the cooler up with White Bass , but it is currently not happening in my boat during the time I am fishing. Sometimes you just gotta dance with what you got to dance with!


I did not fish today. Amateur weekend , had mowing to do, and it was a tad bit toasty. Happy 4th of July. Hoping no accidents on the lake tonight , travels home, domestic abuse at boat ramps , or 12 yrs old kids wrecking a golf cart. I guess it's a form of cheap child watch. I used to ride a bike. Now it's machine driven. Oh the times they are a changing.

I had the honor to spend time on Kentucky Lake this morning with Coach Jack Haskins,  his grandson Abe,and  their friend...

I had the honor to spend time on Kentucky Lake this morning with Coach Jack Haskins, his grandson Abe,and their friend Charlie. Anyone from this area who keeps up with high school football knows how successful this man was at any school he coached at in the area. We go back a long way fro having worked a summer job together, and coached baseball against one another. We both love to hunt and fish , so we always had a lot in common through coaching and the outdoors.

Coach wanted to get the boys out on the lake to keep them occupied, and try to get some tugs of some kind. I told him it had been a little tough in my boat , but we would go see what we could do. We had a nice morning with enough wind to keep us cool , and luckily we got in a few areas that held good numbers of fish, and the boys got a lot of tugs. We captured a fruit salad of Yellows, Catfish, Bluegill, and a few Largemouth, and Smallmouth . They took home 2 gallon bags of good eating fillets for a family get together. I had one of the best times I have had in a long time as Coach and I discussed old friends, many of whom are not with us any longer, and high school sports from back in the day. We both enjoyed Abe, and Charlie getting to catch a lot of fish. They did a great job, and I really enjoyed hearing yes sir, and no sir from them both. I wonder why they have such good manners? Anyone that played for Coach or knows Billy Jack can answer that question!!

Thanks guys for a wonderful morning, and I am thankful it worked out where we got you some action. I hope you all enjoy the fish fry, and the time you are getting to spend together. Hopefully we made some memories.

I did not search for any White Bass today. It just happened that from where I found fish out prowling around last week we were able find fish in good numbers so we just stayed on them. I have a hard time chasing a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow , when I am able to catch fish pretty steadily. I simply try to catch fish for people, and I am not a species purist. If you are not happy with that, then you probably need to find someone else to go with, or do not be mad at me if we look for what you want all morning long , and cannot find them.

I may get out a bit in the morning to check a few places I have not been to thus far. I like to have as many bullets in my gun as possible, and I am not fond of having to rely on one thing if at all possible. The more tools I have in my belt makes me feel better when I leave the dock.

Take care, be safe, and watch the heat tomorrow.

After having a good trip Monday I took some time off . Meg was finally able to go so we spent about 5 hours Friday morni...

After having a good trip Monday I took some time off . Meg was finally able to go so we spent about 5 hours Friday morning out looking around. What time we spent looking for White Bass was not very productive as I only found one small school in places we searched. Most of the morning I spent checking places to try to find something to survive on. We caught a lot of fish , and had a lot of fun but the vast majority were non keepers. Still had a decent mess of Yellows, Gills, and a few Catfish that made for a good fish taco meal with plenty left to freeze.

Yesterday morning I was back at it checking more places for the same purpose. I had probably a dozen keeper Yellows and one Catfish . Several throwbacks once again.

I personally cannot find any schools of Yellows . I have had some great catches of White Bass since they cut off the current, but like I said I was just lucky and at the right place at the right time. It is very inconsistent for me.

Having said that the fishing in my boat is challenging. I think I can scratch out a fruit salad of species , but it is going to be a lot of work covering a lot of water. Other folks may be all over them whacking them every day they go, I am not. All I know to do is dig my heels in fish hard, and hope to have a lot of luck on my side. Maybe when they start drawing the lakes down things will improve.

So, that's the report I have from my boat. Wished it was better , but I am not a fishing politician. I'll just keep on grinding and maybe the fish will figure me out and get on my pattern. Let me reemphasize, this is about my performance, not anyone else's, so do not let my report discourage anyone from coming here to fish.

Got lucky once again and finally stumbled on some. Lack of current is making it real hard . Had a good morning with thes...

Got lucky once again and finally stumbled on some. Lack of current is making it real hard . Had a good morning with these 2 knuckleheads. Took a lot of looking , and moving but eventually swe sealed the deal. Tugs on lines, lots of laughs, and they got fish to feed 17 folks!

Id rather be lucky than good cause I don't catch em everyday like some of these guys who say Ky Lake is on fire . I just do my thing.


Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupHotter Than Hell · KissHotter Than Hell℗ 1974 The Island Def Jam Music GroupReleased on: 1974-01-01Producer: Kenn...

As I said yesterday I have been trying to come up with as many ways as I possibly can to try to catch fish for folks. I ...

As I said yesterday I have been trying to come up with as many ways as I possibly can to try to catch fish for folks. I beat my head against a wall for 2 hrs this morning looking at places and doing something that generally can carry me during tuff times. Well , it's not working. I'm exasperated. I am beginning to wonder if the fish habits have changed. I really don't know what else to do after you try about everything you know, or think you know.

Finally I told Wilson screw this, let's ride, catch some wind, and look for some White Bass where I have not been this year. It cannot be any worse than this torture. Naturally he did not respond! Well we looked and looked , probably checked a dozen places. Finally, and I say finally found one with some fish, and caught tomorrows night supper.

It remains tuff sledding in my boat. Catching a few , but it's sketchy! It was fun to catch these on a place where I have not fished in a long time. Not a top ten spot , but today it made for a good job for Meg on the Blackstone grill..

I got out early this morning looking at some different places, trying different things, hoping to find a way to catch so...

I got out early this morning looking at some different places, trying different things, hoping to find a way to catch some fish. While I caught a lot of fish, finding them big enough to keep proved to be a difficult task. I have done worse, but it continues to be a struggle in my boat. I plan to give it a whirl in the morning to see if I can put something together. I may have figured a little something out right before I had to quit, but that is a big maybe. Ill check it out tomorrow. While today was not a total bust, it needs to get better. All I know to do is keep searching, keep trying different things, and hope I can find a way to put more fish in the boat, that are big enough. I may not, but it will not be for a lack of effort.

I recently got to spend a morning on the lake with Patrick, Matt, and Joe. We started out Catfishing and were able to ca...

I recently got to spend a morning on the lake with Patrick, Matt, and Joe. We started out Catfishing and were able to catch a few until the wind drove us off. We went searching in calmer waters, and I can honestly say b***d up on a big school of White Bass. I never had caught one at the place before, was not looking for them, and my boat was not on the spot I was trying to find. I would call it Manna from Heaven! Regardless, I am not complaining as the stroke of good fortune made for an awesome morning of fun filled fish catching. Ill take all the luck of the right kind I can get.

Thanks fellows for a good time, and I hope you all enjoy that fish fry. I appreciate he rabbits foot you brought on board to bring us the good fortune!

I recently got to spend a morning with one of my favorite couples Jarrett and Kelly. We had a really nice morning to fis...

I recently got to spend a morning with one of my favorite couples Jarrett and Kelly. We had a really nice morning to fish, and enjoyed each others company, but the fishing proved to be extremely difficult. I had concerns about it before we left, and man did my nightmare come true.

I had a hard time finding any fish, and what I did find were extremely stubborn about biting. I went to as many places as I had time, and tried what I knew to try in order to get them some bites each of which had the same result which was not good. It is what it is, and it was what it was which was bad. Thanks guys for being good troopers, and hanging in with me till the bitter end. Hopefully there will be another time, and it will have much better results.

While it stings, and hurts my pride to get my butt handed to me this is not the first time, nor will it be my last as long as I fish. If you have followed me, or fished with me you know that I always share the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is fishing, the bear got me on this one, and I will not tuck my tail and hide it from you. I am not going to just tell you about the good days, and leave out the bad days to get someone in my boat or save face. This is exactly why I refuse to talk about how the fish are jumping in the boat, because if I do then I have some explaining to do to folks when we do not catch much. Like I say all the time I am one trip away from the dock from getting my butt handed to me. This was one of those mornings.

Thanks again Jarrett and Kelly! I guess we can say it was a quality day, rather than quantity. Good times regardless!


Today is my birthday, I just want a wish

Mr. Ben wanted to get out on the water since it had been some time ago that we last went. We hoped to catch enough for h...

Mr. Ben wanted to get out on the water since it had been some time ago that we last went. We hoped to catch enough for he and Mrs. Joanie to have some fish tacos. We did some exploring, but also I really tried to get him on some fish. We captured plenty for the tacos but at the same time I had a hard time finding fish. Places I had been catching, and other places we went to seemed to be void of fish. We did finally find one wad of White Bass captured a few and pulled off them to look elsewhere which was non eventful.

Probably the toughest day I have had actually trying to catch fish all year. Hard to catch em , when it's hard to find them. I've done worse, but I prefer to do better. At the same time a gallon and a half bag of fillets isn't to bad, but I like more bites and hook ups.

Regardless we had a good time, caught some fish, and I learned a new spot which is rewarding.

I'm not liking this heat and evidently going to be here while. Stay safe!


I did not fish today. Had some things to do , and needed a break to recharge my fishing batteries..Gonna get out and try a back up plan with the lack of current. Going to be a challenge but if it works I'll feel good about my chances. It is what it is. Mainly Hot!

I was blessed to get to spend a wonderful morning on the lake with my neighbor John. We had been trying to get together ...

I was blessed to get to spend a wonderful morning on the lake with my neighbor John. We had been trying to get together since early spring, but something was always in the way. Our schedules finally coincided to where we could give it a try today. I can honestly say that when we left the dock I did not have a lot of confidence as they had reduced the current flow to even less than yesterday.

We started off looking for White Bass and that was a complete bust, so we switched off to Catfish. The bite was a bit finicky as we missed and lost several, but we were able to secure some hookups as well. We got a pretty good load in the cooler, and decided to look again for the Whites. We found a few on our next few stops, but not many. Finally we got on a good bunch, had some fast action, and got back in before it got to hot.

Could not have asked for a better all around morning with great weather, great company, and cooperative fish! I hope you enjoy eating those as much as we did catching them. Glad we were fortunate enough to get your line stretched several times.

In my opinion fishing has been good, however I know how that goes. Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you. I cannot control the conditions, or if fish bite or not. I can control putting in the time and effort to have an idea of where to look and what to try and that is what I try to do. It is a lot of work, but when it pays off it gives me a great sense of satisfaction. You never know till you go, and the only guarantee is there is no guarantee.

If you would like to give it a try shoot me a text or give me a call at 270-331-3519. I will do my best to show you a good time, and send you home with fish to eat!


227 Cape Fair Drive
Gilbertsville, KY


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