The hunt for big bucks is on! … but we’re really thinking we should invest in a video camera. What camera would you buy?
We’re beyond blessed to have amazing clients. We get asked all the time if we’ve ever had high maintenance clients & we can honestly say all of our clients to date have been awesome!
Here’s a tribute from one of our guys but the real MVP’s are the guys & gals who come to our camps, put up with all of our ridiculous hikes & deal with us pushing them to the limits! Thank you friends!
Who wants breakfast??
One thing we love about hunting camp, is all the delicious food we’ll be eating over the next 2 months!
Our fully guided hunts include 3 meals a day starting every morning with something like this 😊
For more information on what we offer, visit our website at 💥
#breakfast #breakfastofchampions #outfitterlife #guidelife #elkhunting #elkhunt #elkhuntingprep #muledeerhunting
Coming Soon ;) 🔥🔥🔥
I’ll be honest, I almost cried when @leatherpatchco shared this video with me... because that’s my business. My hard earned stinking business 💪🏼 That’s the company my Dad & I started on his vision to someday own a Big Game Hunting & Outfitting Business. Takes me back in time when I wrote an entire business plan for something I was clueless about. I had absolutely no idea how an outfitting business operated or was managed... Truthfully - I didn’t even know the definition of a “Drop Camp”... but I figured it out 😊
Hey guys & gals! If you’re looking to do a hunt this fall in Colorado for Elk or Deer DIY we have several drop camps available & landowner mule deer tags. Fully Guided hunts are almost completely booked ~ DM for availability. 🔥
Comment Below if you want one 👇🏼👇🏼
Soon, this will all be over & we’ll be chasing elk again “)
Just a friendly 500 yard shooting competition & laughs brought to you by Greg 😅 if you’re looking for a big game hunting rifle we highly recommend the 28 Nosler by Christensen Arms! This gun is an all out power house, super light & best of all — has no kick 👊🏼 Get your hands on one at McFly Outdoors ✅
In pursuit of the bugling bull we stalked up on a little 6x6 & 3 spikes 😊
Anyone else have bulls screaming at them this weekend?!!! @cassie_moats was able to call herself into 58 yards to run out of cover & have the wind bust her out, while @briancrabill kept him raking & making noise. What an amazing experience!
Our puppies live a pretty nice life running loose on the farm. We believe these first few months of life are essential for learning & playing.... & of course I never mind getting attacked by puppies every time I walk out of the house. 💕
Early mornings, hearty breakfasts & hot coffee provided daily for our fully guided hunters 🍴