It is a both a philosophical statement, a call, and an opportunity for all people to finally uncover, and begin nurturing, their own authenticity and their true inner nature, regardless of what the external world thinks about it - it exists for the "soul purpose" of assisting in the accession process of humanity, and helping people fulfill their dreams. This is the most exciting and uncertain time
this planet has ever known! And I believe that Returning to the Sacredness of life is the most important step in ensuring not only our survival as a species, but more importantly, to ensuring our prosperity and happiness from "this moment" forward. As a global culture we have become obsessed with looking to the outside world of "things" and other people in a never-ending search for completion - like icing on a cake, we have become addicted to adding more and more stuff to ourselves. Of course the self – or our true nature - is inherently and naturally sweet all by itself! But because of our fast passed world, technology, sugar, drugs, pollution, war, poverty, and everything else, we just can't believe it. Well, we just continue on, adding more and more stuff until we find ourselves in a state of deep suffering, sickness, and eventually, anger and hatred – which of course lead right back around to creating the war, poverty, sickness, etc. all over again! By addictively looking to the outer world, we have lost our ability to remember who/what it is that we truly are. And when you try and hold onto feelings such as love, peace, gentleness, compassion, you inevitably force them away from you, watching them just slip through your fingers as quickly as they came, leaving only a fleeting feeling of truth somewhere “beyond.” Like waking from a profound dream that only leaves you wishing you were back asleep, we have forgotten how to love our waking life. So how do we stop this mad behavior on a large scale capable of changing the face of our world? Simply this: Return to the Sacred. How do you do that you ask? Well, this is what my Book is intended to answer more clearly, and so certainly you can start there! However the simple answer is this: in order for change to happen "out there," it has to first occur "in here" - deep within the depths of our Character. And this can be done in an infinite number of ways, all equally valid - however most often true change requires knowledge, a commitment to learning/evolving, a deep reservoir of patience, calmness and respect, wisdom - and perhaps most importantly, practice! Indeed, practice makes perfect. When we dive right into anything with an empty cup (as they say often in martial arts training), the experience will always be joyful, novel, and wondrous. It’s inevitable! You just let it happen. Diving fearlessly into life is how we make our dreams a reality. So give it a try! It's much easier than you think~