Frank the tank admiring another beautiful June Springer ! We have a dates available for a shot at a june hog… •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmonk#kingsalmons#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacations#summerlifef#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beach#t#thingstodo#f#fishingcharters#f#fishingtrip#o#oceanfishing#o#oceanfish#r#rogueriverw#wildandfreeU#USAf#fishingcharterso#oregoncoast#b#bornandraisedl#landofthefrees#summert#troutf#fishd#douglasrodse#eatb#boatw#welshterrierd#dogb#boatdog #dogsoftiktok
July Dates Available for King Salmon in Southern Oregon Now booking •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear and fish cleaning provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fishing #oregoncoast #douglasrods #salmon #kingsalmon #salmonfishing #oregoncoast #beauty #chrome #vacation #summerlife #fishinglife #oregonlife #beach #thingstodo #fishingcharters #fishingtrip #oceanfishing #oceanfish #rogueriver #wildandfree #USA #fishingcharters #oregoncoast #bornandraised #landofthefree #summer #trout #fish #douglasrods #eat #boat
July Dates Available for King Salmon in Southern Oregon Now booking •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear and fish cleaning provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fishing #oregoncoast #douglasrods #salmon #kingsalmon #salmonfishing #oregoncoast #beauty #chrome #vacation #summerlife #fishinglife #oregonlife #beach #thingstodo #fishingcharters #fishingtrip #oceanfishing #oceanfish #rogueriver #wildandfree #USA #fishingcharters #oregoncoast #bornandraised #landofthefree #summer #trout #fish #douglasrods #eat #boat
Open seats in June / July come and see why Spring /Summer Salmon is so special … •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear and fish cleaning provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmonk#kingsalmons#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacations#summerlifef#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beach#t#thingstodo#f#fishingcharters#f#fishingtrip#o#oceanfishing#o#oceanfish#r#rogueriverw#wildandfreeU#USAf#fishingcharterso#oregoncoast#b#bornandraisedl#landofthefrees#summert#troutf#fishd#douglasrodse#eatboat
Open seats in June / July come and see why Spring /Summer Salmon is so special … •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear and fish cleaning provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmonk#kingsalmons#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacations#summerlifef#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beach#t#thingstodo#f#fishingcharters#f#fishingtrip#o#oceanfishing#o#oceanfish#r#rogueriverw#wildandfreeU#USAf#fishingcharterso#oregoncoast#b#bornandraisedl#landofthefrees#summert#troutf#fishd#douglasrodse#eatboat
May has been Springer madness…Some afternoon chaos listen to that reel … that fish was geabbing gears •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fis#fishinge#oregoncoastu#douglasrodsl#salmonn#kingsalmonl#salmonfishinge#oregoncoasta#beautyr#chromec#vacationm#summerlifes#fishinglifee#oregonlifea#beachhi#thingstodois#fishingchartersis#fishingtripce#oceanfishingce#oceanfishog#rogueriverl#wildandfreeA#USAs#fishingcharterse#oregoncoastor#bornandraisedn#landofthefreem#summero#trouts#fishu#douglasrodst#eata#boatouglas Rods Fishing Tackle
April is flyung by ! 2 more months of Springer fishing then we will be Trolling out of Brookings for ocean chinook ! We have dates available in June /Juky / August / September for our most popular fishery …. Call 541-761-7797 to book today ! Visit for more info. Come experience why fishing becomes such a passion, on one of Southern Oregon’s top fisheries. #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmons#steelheads#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacation#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beacht#thingstodof#fishingchartersf#fishingtripo#oceanfishingo#oceanfishr#rogueriver#fall#steelhead#trout#water#fallcolors#flyfishing#oregonfishingw#winterd#driftboato#outsided#dreams#thankful#childhood #p#pnwfishingo#oregonf#fish#t#trouts#steelheadluress#steelheading#s#steelhead#s#steelheadfishing#w#wintersteelheads#salmonlures#s#springchinookc#chinooksalmon#c#cohosalmonw#willieboatsp#procurebaitscentsf#fishermansmarine#o#outdoors#s#summerlife#f#family#n#nature#wildlife
Fish trap in place …. Openings available from April through October for King Salmon. All ages welcome, all fishing gear provided •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmonk#kingsalmons#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacations#summerlifef#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beach#t#thingstodo#f#fishingcharters#f#fishingtrip#o#oceanfishing#o#oceanfish#r#rogueriverw#wildandfreeUSA
Openings available from April through October for King Salmon. All ages welcome, all fishing gear provided •Comfortable Seating for six passengers all fishing Gear provided •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fishing #oregoncoast #douglasrods #salmon #kingsalmon #salmonfishing #oregoncoast #beauty #chrome #vacation #summerlife #fishinglife #oregonlife #beach #thingstodo #fishingcharters #fishingtrip #oceanfishing #oceanfish #rogueriver #wildandfree #USA #fishingcharters #oregoncoast #bornandraised #landofthefree #summer #trout #fish #douglasrods #eat #boat
Definitely appreciating the sun this Winter ! One more week of Winter Steelhead and then its off to the Salmon Grounds…. •Contact Shane Blair , DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #f#fishingo#oregoncoastd#douglasrodss#salmonk#kingsalmons#salmonfishingo#oregoncoastb#beautyc#chromev#vacations#summerlifef#fishinglifeo#oregonlifeb#beach#t#thingstodo#f#fishingcharters#f#fishingtrip#o#oceanfishing#o#oceanfish#r#rogueriverw#wildandfreeU#USAf#fishingcharterso#oregoncoast#b#bornandraisedl#landofthefrees#summert#troutf#fishd#douglasrodse#eatboat
We are counting down the days till we switch gears from Steelhead to Spring Chinook . Do you have your Salmon 2024 season dates booked ? •Comfortable Seating for six passengers •All fishing Gear provided •Contact Shane Blair , 🇺🇸🎣 DM or Call 541-761-7797 •Visit for more info. •Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fishing #oregoncoast #douglasrods #salmon #kingsalmon #salmonfishing #oregoncoast #beauty #chrome #vacation #summerlife #fishinglife #oregonlife #beach #thingstodo #fishingcharters #fishingtrip #oceanfishing #oceanfish #rogueriver #wildandfree #USA #fishingcharters #oregoncoast #bornandraised #landofthefree #summer #trout #fish #douglasrods #eat #boat
Openings available from April through October for King Salmon. All ages welcome, all fishing gear provided Contact Shane Blair , 🇺🇸🎣 Call 541-761-7797 for more info. Come experience one of Oregons best Salmon fishing vacation Destinations! #fishing #oregoncoast #douglasrods #salmon #kingsalmon #salmonfishing #oregoncoast #beauty #chrome #vacation #summerlife #fishinglife #oregonlife #beach #thingstodo #fishingcharters #fishingtrip #oceanfishing #oceanfish #rogueriver #wildandfree #USA #fishingcharters #oregoncoast #bornandraised #landofthefree #summer #trout #fish #douglasrods #eat #boat