Super Payroller: the always accurate payroll powerhouse is here to help your account department thrive. 🎯 She and The Propellers integrate payroll, tackle taxes, and handle compliance with an eagle eye. The Wage Wrecker never had a chance!
#propelhr #thepropellers #hrheroes #superpayrollers
Tech Titan: the resident SaaS superhero! 💻 TT helps businesses of all sizes install and operate Human Capital Management software — making the most complex HR tasks tackled with just a few clicks. He and The Propellers integrate payroll, benefits, compliance and technology into a potent PEO program!
#propelhr #thepropellers #hrheroes #techtitan
Big Benny: the generous giant bringing best-in-class health benefits to businesses of all size! 💪 Benny has access to comprehensive and affordable healthcare plans — ensuring all employees are well taken care of. 🌡💊🩼 #propelhr #thepropellers #hrheroes #bigbenny
She’s more than just the leader of The Propellers... She’s a bona fide bodacious boss! When she’s not bundling amazing services, she’s a beast on the basketball court, a mighty mother, a cat wrangler, and world traveler. Who wouldn’t want to work with her?!
#propelHR #thepropellers #hr #captainpropeller
Captain Propeller: bringing together everything a company needs to thrive 🌱 She and The Propellers integrate payroll, benefits, compliance, and technology into a powerful PEO solution💪 #propelhr #thepropellers #hrheroes #captainpropeller