We also happen to be some of the most sedentary people on the planet. Movement IS medicine. Our body, mind, and spirit are integrally connected and when one or more of these are out of balance it manifests as illness and disease in the body. Our bodies are made to move so we can process the mental and emotional experiences of our daily lives. E-motion=energy in motion. We are meant to MOVE. Yoga i
s an ancient and incredibly powerful practice of INTEGRATION, in which we begin to connect the pieces of ourselves through breath, presence, and—of course—mindful movement. I cannot wait to share my knowledge with you! With 20 years as a yoga practitioner and 10 years as an instructor, I have experience in many styles and types of yoga—ranging from restorative/yin, pre-natal, to power and vinyasa flow. With this knowledge, we can adapt a yoga practice to fit your body’s needs and your lifestyle. In addition, you will also gain simple, yet effective tools to incorporate breath and mindfulness into your day-to-day life. For me, health and fitness is not about trying to “look” a certain way. It is about FEELING good, about learning to love, value and appreciate our body, and about finding an optimal state of physical/mental/emotional well-being. I look forward to joining you on your journey to holistic health and wellness! Private consultations and sessions available upon request. Please contact for details.