May 1st marks the first day of sea turtle nesting season in Alabama! To kick it off we are sharing some fun facts about where sea turtles live in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sea turtles live in a variety of habitats, and these can change over time for many reasons including their life cycle stage, weather, and human interaction. Their diverse habitats include:
• Beaches: female sea turtles lay eggs in nests on sandy beaches. After incubating for about 2 months, the eggs hatch and baby turtles make their way to the ocean
• Open ocean: juveniles grow up in rafts of sargassum seaweed which provide food
• Coastal waters: loggerheads, Kemp’s ridleys, and green sea turtles feed in estuaries and other shallow coastal waters
• Reefs: loggerheads rely on deep offshore reefs for food
If you encounter a sea turtle, be sure to admire from a distance of at least 50 yards as recommended by NOAA’s viewing guidelines: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/marine-life-viewing-guidelines
Please report nesting, injured or deceased sea turtles using the Alabama Sea Turtle Hotline:
1-866-SEA TURT (1-866-732-8878)
Image: Share the Beach- Alabama's Sea Turtle Conservation Program