Welcome to another edition of " own a business, it'll be fun," brought to you by all of us over here at Reece Appliance.
I'd like to start this post off by saying that I love people.
One of my calls last week was a dead washer. The control board was fried, so I ordered it and went back to install it. I put it on, and it powered right up. After installing, I started a load to make sure it was OK. It wouldn't lock or do anything. I then got into test mode and sent voltage to several parts. Voltage was present, but no parts were responding. I know at this moment, there is more to the story.
I go to the kitchen and ask if there's anything I don't know about this. The man then states that their power went out and the generator kicked on. When the generator kicked on, something malfunctioned, and that's when the washer wouldn't work.
I mean this in the kindest possible way, I genuinely do. I wanted to choke him. I fought that thing, questioned my ability, and was extremely frustrated. It was a 500 dollar washer, and there were about 800 dollars in parts I needed. I failed to mention that the 306 dollar control can not be taken back since it was installed. I'm sure i will use it at some point.
And i still felt guilty taking a 65 dollar service call from him, even tho I know it was warranted.
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