👑🐝🍯🍏🍎🍏🍎🍎🍒🫐🫐🍑🍒🥭🥭#hoshorchardhappenings ...#centralnewjersey #savethebees #stopfakehoney #hamilton #nj #newjersey #centralnewjersey #southnewjersey #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #honeybees #pollinators #beekeepers
Caught a swarm yesterday. Going to let these ladies and bit and calm down off site. Before moving them to their new home. 🐝🍯👑..#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #newjersey #centralnewjersey #southnewjersey #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #honeybees #pollinators #beekeepers
the ladies out enjoying a beautiful warm day 🐝🍯👑..#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #newjersey #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #honeybees #pollinators #beekeepers
March Orientation Flights
A nice March day. The ladies out enjoying the warm weather while we have it. Stretching their wings and orientation flights. No clover in bloom yet for them to enjoy this St. Patrick’s Day. 🍀🐝🍯👑
#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #honeybees #pollinators #beekeepers
A nice March day. The ladies out enjoying the warm weather while we have it. Stretching their wings and orientation flights. No clover in bloom yet for them to enjoy this St. Patrick’s Day. 🍀🐝
🇺🇸 HappBee Independence Day! 🇺🇸
Yesterday’s (7/1/2023) hive inspection - the ladies are making lots of honey! The white you see on the frames are capped honey. The others cells are uncapped honey or nectar, they are working to cap them over. We believe we are looking at harvesting honey from our hives at the end of July, beginning of August. Bee on the lookout for those posts! 🍯🐝.…….#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #jerseyfresh #localhoney #eatlocal #mercercounty
🍯 We bottled honey from this past weekends mini-harvest tonight. We got 3 1/2 of these big 16oz Mason jars, and also 30 1oz sampler size jars. Estimated at 11 lbs 16 oz total, plus there is still some honey left in the bucket we’re too tired to get the rest out now. All of that came from just 4 frames of honey we had to empty so the bees could keep doing their work properly, which weren’t even completely full of honey. I can’t imagine how much honey we’ll get with a full harvest! We ordered some 8 oz jars tonight so we’ll have some more regular size bottles to fill then these behemoths. Based off of this amount, I think we might have to order more!? 🐝🐝🐝 ...#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey #jerseyfresh #localhoney #eatlocal
🐝 6/11/23 Hive Inspection: Agatha’s keeping us guessing. 👑 Her Majesty is staying out of eyes view, but we see lots of drone brood and worker brood. No Queen cells to fill an empty queens or replacing a dying Queen. So we will have to wait and see. 🤞🏼🐝 Beatrice is doing amazingly. They’ve drawn out every frame in the honey super and there’s a ton of nectar. Cannot wait to see her honey this summer! 🐝 Cecilia had so much capped honey in her deep brood box I pulled 4 frames out of there today to make room so they can start putting brood in there. That hopefully encourages them to go up into the honey supers because they haven’t touched/drawn out the frames in the honey supers yet. When I took a frame out it broke apart so I couldn’t put that frame in the extractor. I’ve used the hot knife and uncapped it into my uncapping tanks, waited for most of it to drain on its own. Have a replacement frame ready to go, put that extracted board into so the bees can reuse their wax. 💪🏼 1 hour of hand crank-spinning for 4 frames to get that honey. 💪🏼. So exciting to see some honey! 🍯………….. #hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey
new Queen mating flights for the past 3 days or are they swarming to leave the hive? 🐝🐝🐝 #hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey
Find the Queen 🐝..#hamiltonnj #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey
5/14/23 #hamiltonnj #hiveinspection #hamilton #nj #njbeekeeping #savethebees #apiary #honey