As leaders, we often do a wonderful job of creating environments that foster a great quality of life for our employees and families. Many times; however, we produce this quality of life at the expense of our own, leaving us feeling depleted and frusterated. Our employees, families and communities are depending on us, as leaders, to be our best at work and at home. The Legendary Leadership Experie
nce is designed to separate you from the pressures of your day to day world and place you in a tranquil, inspired environment to gain clarity and plan in wisdom. Unlike other conferences or events where most of your time is spent being inspired, the majority of your time in this experience is spent creating vision, developing strategies and plugging those actions into your calendar. The Legendary Leadership Experience will give you the proper environment and tools necessary to clarify your desired outcomes and create the strategies and commitments that will make your leadership legendary. We have facilitated many one on one events like this over the past two years. We have intentionally designed this group event with plenty of individual time to plan. We have limited the event to a small intimate group of leaders so that we do not dilute the effectiveness of the experience. All participants will have full access to our coaches during the event. It is sure to equip you to maximize your leadership! See you at the Experience!