Well tomorrow will be one week from when we had our First Annual Kettle Kick Off carnival. I have been running around like a crazy man over the last week, but with that being said I have't had much time to say thanks to everyone who helped with everything this year. So with that I would love to give a huge Thanks to the people who took the time out of there busy life's to help us put on such an amazing show.
This is the list of who helped and the areas they helped in.
The setting up of the Holiday House was done with help from
Shaun, Tiffany, D'Aijha, Beonka, Jazmen, Rose and Anha Peck
324 South Lexington Hastings Ne 68901
Garret Larsen
Hastings Ne
Matthew Macdonalod
Hastings Ne
Joe Walton
Hasting Ne
The Night of The First Annual Kettle Kick Off
Mr Watson
Hastings Ne
Food Truck
Angus Mcgees's
Hastings Ne
Hot Dog sales
Shaun Peck & Family Construction LLC
223 East 14th St Suite 270 Hastings Ne 68901
Codie, Deann, Emma Malesker
Hastings Ne
Bouncy Houses
Space Walk of Grand Island
Rick and Karis Parker
Chapman NE
Bouncy House Help
Andrew, Morgan Malesker
Hastings Ne
Face Painting
Tiffany Peck
Hastings Ne
Nicole McCann
Hastings Ne
Kati Theesen
Hastings Ne
Gina Spaulding
Cuts Inc.
Hastings Ne
Bethany Tennant-Vanwinkle
Hastings Ne
Steve Stenner
Lightning Sound
Hastings Ne
Cross Walk and Santa Line Help
Joe Walton
Hastings Ne
Candy Cane Helper
D'Aijha, Beonka, Jazmen Peck
Hastings Ne
Hastings Fire Department
Santa's Ride and The light for the parking lot
Signs for event
Jr John Beyke
Beyke Signs
Hastings Ne
The helping of setting up this event, Hot Coco, Coffee and Parking Lot.
The Salvation Army
Captain Dale L Brandenburg
Major Sandra Nichols Brandenburg
Terra 'Geriach' Blase
Beka Durre
As always we want to wish everyone a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Thanks and God Bless