Before we bought our home 16 years ago, we spent our holidays and vacations by lakes or seashores resorts, as many other families. Yet, even with all the sales, discounts, and careful planning, our family of 6 (myself, my wife, and our 4 children) spent between $4,000 and $8,000 on every vacation. On top of everything, quite often we encountered the unavoidable "small" surprises: flight delays, ov
er-chlorinated and over-crowded pools, food poisoning, and just plain bad weather. After we had moved in and settled down into our new home, we realized that it had some hidden extra value-- a small decorative pond in the backyard. We also noticed that most of our backyard activities- games and parties -occurred around our pond. We made it bigger, we introduced more fish and plants, and we improved the landscaping around our pond to increase its beauty and serenity. We spend weekends sipping coffee by our pond, entertaining our friends and family, and holding romantic dates with wine and candlelight. It is so good to have drinks in the afternoon while dipping our feet into the water and watching our children play with fish and frogs. We’ve come to realize that the real vacation is just a few steps away and not just a vacation, but truly Our Own Family Paradise created by our own hands and vision. This is how Aquastonia was born-- with the desire to share this simple discovery and to help others create their own escape to a backyard water paradise. Today we are very proud Certify Aquascape Contractor, to service North and North West Suburbs of Chicago. Our goal is not just to build a pond; we want to help you to create resort lifestyle that would benefit your well-being. Igor Loos,
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