As hunting has started in many states, so has the temptations many of us hunter face. Each day I wake up finding myself checking trail cam pics, looking at the weather and game planning my week away. As wonderful as this time of year is, I know for me, my weaknesses as a father, husband and most importantly a Christian, begin to show. Physically I am here at home, driving and listening to my devotions, but mentally day dreaming all day of that next hunt. God has blessed us so much with our love for these animals and the outdoors, but never did He bless us to put these things in front of Him and our relationship with Him. It is so easy to do. Reading last week in Exodus, 31, God spoke directly to the Israelites in the dessert after escaping out of Egypt. With fire and smoke on Mount Sinai, the Israelites were assured that God is with them. They were grateful and worshipped Him, but just like us, within days they went from on fire to creating golden idols, because their doubts and weaknesses began to take over. Take today, no matter where you are at and give it to God. Remember Faith, Family and then the Outdoors. Pray for one another and encourage one another to remember why we are here, it is great to be seen as a great outdoorsman, but it is so much more meaningful to be seen as a faithful Father and follower of Jesus Christ. Best of luck this year and remember to always work hard, do your best and wake up each day knowing you are better than the last!