We're having a warehouse sale on Saturday, October 8, from 9am-1pm. We'll have hundreds of items, all from target, that include mainly women's clothes plus some socks and underwear, kids clothes, makeup, shoes and purses. Socks / un**es will be $1, kids clothes will be $3, women's shirts / pants / hoodies / sweatshirts / dresses / skirts / shoes / purses will be $5, sherpas will be $10 and winter coats will be $20. I would estimate that 95% of items are new with tags and the rest are new without tags. Women's sizes available will range from XS to 4X. We're located at 2949 Pleasant View Road in Highlandville. There is an Ozark Mountain Orchard sign and 10' windmill by our driveway. We'll take cash and hopefully cards if our cell service is decent.