Harbour Affair

Harbour Affair An exploration of the Lowcountry life as told by a girl who drinks too much coffee with her dog in a shark costume.

I recently found myself in a conversation with someone who told me, “Faith is a gift we share with others.”To which led ...

I recently found myself in a conversation with someone who told me, “Faith is a gift we share with others.”

To which led the conversation into the discussion of “trust” versus “faith” - they’re interconnected and largely similar, yes, but “faith” is more alive.

Rolling into the holiday season and reflecting on the life-shifting moments of 2022 thus far (holy crap, there were several), I’ve noticed how guilty I am of using doom & gloom and “busyness” as a shield. And yet, those big shifts are actually a collection of small moments of reassurance. Of going with my gut. Of asking for a fire under my t**h if it’s truly a will to be done from The Big Guy. Of chance interactions with those who display humility and curiosity (see above). Of faith.

Not sure what I’m worried about if I keep trying, with the best of intentions.

How easy it is to get caught up waiting for moments or experiences or people to guide us into the “next big thing,” to give us the validation we think we need. When really? We’ve got the power (cue the 90s Jock Jams 🎶) to be that for others.

So maybe your gift is simply sharing your faith with others. Let it live in those parts of you that require no fire under your t**h. (But maybe a little Jock Jams, for good measure.)

Cheers to this holiday season being alive with the gift of faith. If you need a little to get you started, I’ll have it ready - I’ll throw in the 90s dance party for free.


Genuine Lowcountry. Three easy payments of vicious bug bites. I’m just goofin. Sunset goofin.

Genuine Lowcountry. Three easy payments of vicious bug bites. I’m just goofin. Sunset goofin.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” W.B. Yeats 💕I don’t know if it’s ...

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” W.B. Yeats 💕

I don’t know if it’s the overwhelming plight of the world or the overwhelming heat (perhaps a hearty mix of both?), but there’s a heavy sense if suppression that feels daunting and suffocating. Suppression of critical thought and conversation. Suppression of expression. Of dedication to long-form deep dives and slow, steady progression. Of thoughtful language and research and presentation of ideas. Of embracing the everyday joys. Of being able to eat cake for no damn reason at all other than “Baby, another day AND I’M STILL HERE!” and not get judged for it (you know who you are!).

I’ve allowed myself to absorb the onslaught of modern informational channels and it’s all too surface level, chaotic, and LOUD. Quick entertainment trumps artistic curation and aggressive verbiage over empowering , well-articulated thought. And then here come the cavalry of elitists on their high horses to bust everyone’s chops.

It’s made giving a hoot to post or share a real trudge in the mud.

And I’m friggin guilty of going down the rabbit hole of nonsense and perpetuating it’s noxious continuation, so I need to get off my hiney and carve out a path to channel some of that well intentioned energy. And prioritize the consumption of deeper works.

Over cake.

I don’t know if anyone wants to come with me; but despite my core of introversion, I’d love the company. Even if you don’t like cake, you can bring your own snack of choice and I will heartily relish the exchange.

I hope we all dedicate a moment of our days to sharpening our senses. To alleviating the suppression. To finding the magical things. For indeed, it’s what will help us improve this garbage fire of a world.

Hugs & High Fives,
C 🍰❤️

“I am in the moodto dissolvein the sky.” - Virginia WolfeMuesday. Holy WOOF. May packed a wallop and June is shaping up ...

“I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.” - Virginia Wolfe

Muesday. Holy WOOF. May packed a wallop and June is shaping up to be the delirious, chaotic aftermath… but the summer sunsets have returned, so i can hear the Big Guy saying “You can DO EET!” ✊✨ (Shout out to all my Water Boy fans.)

Okay, El Verano. Let’s do eet.

“Joy is the justice we give ourselves.” - Dr. J. Drew Lanham*YOU GUYS. I feel like the New Year launched me straight out...

“Joy is the justice we give ourselves.” - Dr. J. Drew Lanham*

YOU GUYS. I feel like the New Year launched me straight out of a cannon. Sailing through the air of 2022 at light-speed has been propelled even faster by radical change, self-discovery, and fuel of hope. I’m still wondering where the dickens I’ll land once I run out of momentum… but, for once, I’m not at all worried about it.

The last two years have ROCKED me to the core (despite my squishy, protective middle section of gin & Oreos), and the major plus side of my Evel Knieval journey of the last three’ish months has given me a birds-eye view of what it was all about.

I’m not sure lengthy with a still photograph not-featuring an worthy outfit are still allowed on the Interwebs anymore… but if I had to do a choreographed dance in the latest fashions pointing to floating words in the air, know I would tell you this:

💡 Keep your light source burning. Make that ‘ish BRIGHT. It is NEEDED. It’s both magic + science with a dash of the unexpected. The more you share, purely and with the best intention, the more you get back. Hold the joy that is the justice you give yourself. Then launch it like the spectacle it truly is with frickin fireworks. 🎆

As for me and my joy, we’re tending to the quieter, more personal moments offline. Except for the weekly story sharing because, let’s face it… finding humor and relatability in the reality of the human experience is pretty darned special.

*Dr. Langham is a doctor of Wildlife & Ecology who so wonderfully ties discussions of race, nature, and Southern culture; highly recommend a listen to any of his podcast guest features.

“What a marvelous feeling it would be, if we could say exactly how we felt. What a monumental victory. What a terrifying...

“What a marvelous feeling it would be, if we could say exactly how we felt. What a monumental victory. What a terrifying thought.” - Akif Kichloo 💕


I’ve been contemplating my word for 2022 - I never really landed on one for last year, and the lack of a guidepost made navigating the dumpster fire of 2021 a less than stellar journey. I’ve learned that the Big Guy never really sends you “clarity,” but he does send you challenges to see what’s most important and what’s a distraction… and, thankfully, the strength and right people to help you through it if you ask for it.

I’m not exactly sure what the 2022 word is, but I keep coming back to resounding sentiments of truth. Honesty. Uniqueness. Uninhibited. Not giving a flippin’ hoot.

Maybe it’s the mega Aquarius vibes rolling through the stratosphere, but there’s something magical about showing up as the fabulous weirdo we were created to be.

I’ll get back to you when I land on the final linguistic selection, but for now? I’ll keep on the fabulously weird train and see where she goes. 🚂

There’s plenty of room for anyone who wants to join. All aboard!

We may not get snow ‘round these parts, AND I’M TOTES OKAY WITH THAT. 🥶 (Though I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the winter wonde...

We may not get snow ‘round these parts, AND I’M TOTES OKAY WITH THAT. 🥶 (Though I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the winter wonderlands and rosy-cheeks happy lil babes gracing my feeds this weekend.) PS. Amazed how the Southern coastal natural world adapts so effortlessly to these ultra frosty temps… I’ve got a lot to learn, folks.

Stay warm, frands!

Holly Golightly: “You know those days when you get the mean reds?”Paul Varjak: “The mean reds, you mean like the blues?”...

Holly Golightly: “You know those days when you get the mean reds?”
Paul Varjak: “The mean reds, you mean like the blues?”
Holly Golightly: “No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long. You're just sad, that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?”
Paul Varjak: “Sure.”
- Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Anyone else walking towards the new year with baited breath? Trepidation? A very, VERY large pour of wine?

2021, you’ve revealed the very best and the absolute WORST. To be stretched so far in opposite positions, often in adjacent moments, was something I wasn’t prepared for nor navigated with much grace; but somehow, you made sure all the right things, assurances, and people showed up to help move through it.

Got a healthy dose of the Mean Reds heading towards 2022.

But I’ve also got a very long list of my own “Tiffany’s” places and friends a short ways away to visit to make sense of it all. If even for a moment.

Happy Final Muesday of this wretched, magical year. ✌️💕✨

🌝✨ YOU GUYS, the last full moon of this ever-lovin, dumpster-forsaken year is a’comin… and I’m torn between either donni...

🌝✨ YOU GUYS, the last full moon of this ever-lovin, dumpster-forsaken year is a’comin… and I’m torn between either donning a power suit and announcing my run for office or dancing in the woods in my skivvies in the moonbeams.

Maybe 2022 is the year it’s not only acceptable to do both, but desirable.

More sunrises/sunsets, less fear and wallowing. GET YOUR SKIVVIES READY, FOOLS. 🙌

PS. If you’re new here, um. Hello. Things get a little special. I hope you’re looking for a beautiful, weird place on the Interwebs. We’re thrilled to have you. ✌️🌈

“Now is no time to think of what you do not have.Think of what you can do with what there is.”- Ernest Hemingway, The Ol...

“Now is no time to think of what you do not have.
Think of what you can do with what there is.”
- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea

This photo was taken the evening on the day the destructive tornados ripped through Kentucky and surrounding states. The front was supposed to head our way with wind and rain, but it had all gone soft and still by the time it reached us.

I know you’re all being bombarded with requests to give this time of year; but to think entire towns will have no neighborhoods to drive through and look at lights, no festive events to say hello to Santa, no shop windows to revel in the glamour of holiday fun, no sacred quiet place to worship the birth of a savior… it’s maddening. If you have a few dollars to spare, I’m putting a few posts in stories that are doing good things with them.

Let a weary world find the thrill of hope with what there is that we can share. If you have additional resources to share, please do. ✌️❤️

(PS. On this note, Giving Tuesday winners announced tomorrow, swearsies. 👍)

☀️ Here’s your midweek reminder that sometimes it’s not always about chasing what’s ahead of us, but looking over our da...

☀️ Here’s your midweek reminder that sometimes it’s not always about chasing what’s ahead of us, but looking over our daggum shoulder to remember & appreciate the good $h*t that got us there in the first place. In this case, the stretching sunrise to the west.

The Giveaway (that you can’t lose!) is still going on for one more day. Make a donation to share the good fortune of what got you here, friends. And thank you to those who have done so, so generously already. ✌️💕

And now: COFFEE. Merry Chrysler! 🌴🎄

💕   Greetings, one and all. We all know I have a wild disdain for Muesdays (Tuesdays, for you new-to-Harbour Affair pals...

💕 Greetings, one and all. We all know I have a wild disdain for Muesdays (Tuesdays, for you new-to-Harbour Affair pals); but there’s one Muesday out of the year I try to quit being a little punk and make up for all my early-week angst from time past.

After all the gluttony and mass consumerism of the last several days (🙋🏼‍♀️ present company guilty!), Giving Tuesday is a chance to put our moolah where it really counts - and we all know I love a good giveaway that you. can’t. lose! This year is my biggest and best yet, y’all.

So stay tuned… I’ll be jumping on Stories later (more like stumbling on it, but I’ll give it my best) to share the details for tomorrow’s do-good jamboree. ✌️✨❤️


A Thanksgiving sunrise. 🌅❤️Stay  , friends. ✌️

A Thanksgiving sunrise. 🌅❤️

Stay , friends. ✌️

☀️ Well, we don’t get the colorful crunchy falling of leaves; but this’ll do.   🍂PS. Missing sharing   with you all - bu...

☀️ Well, we don’t get the colorful crunchy falling of leaves; but this’ll do. 🍂

PS. Missing sharing with you all - but it’s been a weird season and the words/“feels” are extra blurghy lately. A big hug and heavily handed pour of gin to all of you who I know are feeling big time lately, too. ❤️😵‍💫

Hugs & high fives.

Hashbrown, no filter. 👊💖✨God bless these Lowcountry autumn skies. Even if they come with super wacky-town weather.      ...

Hashbrown, no filter. 👊💖✨

God bless these Lowcountry autumn skies. Even if they come with super wacky-town weather.

🕊☀️✨ “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin….” Zechariah 4:10*John says I r...

🕊☀️✨ “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin….” Zechariah 4:10*

John says I read too much into things, and maybe he’s right, but The Big Guy always shows up in ways that feel like a squeeshy hug.

To those of you tip-toeing into a post-Covid world with a healthy dose of anxiety and courage, I salute you. And hang in there. Baby steps. 🙌

* The seven lamps/seven facets represent the eyes of the The Big Guy that search all around the world. According to what I found on the Interwebs.

💗 September, thank you for being the rediscovered comfy pair of underpants you forgot you had that holds everything in j...

💗 September, thank you for being the rediscovered comfy pair of underpants you forgot you had that holds everything in just right.

Glad I found you just in time for what’s sure to be a bizarre ending to this two-year sprint of absolute WTF’ery. *snaps elastic waistband in place* Let’s do this. 👊☀️

  🌅 Here ye, here ye: This handsome dream boat celebrated another trip around the sun this past weekend; and instead of ...

🌅 Here ye, here ye: This handsome dream boat celebrated another trip around the sun this past weekend; and instead of a lengthy post declaring my undying devotion to this stud muffin, I thought I’d share some interesting/borderline embarrassing facts about Mr. Harbour Affair. Enjoy!

- ☀️ John is an early riser, and by early, I mean the horrifying time of day no amount of coffee could satisfy the average human. He greets the day with his signature smile and can-do attitude, and has read 3-6 in-depth articles by the time I make my way down from sitting in bed drooling on myself watching puppy videos on Instagram.
- 🐶 Speaking of puppies, he was vehemently against getting a 2nd dog after Bogey (can’t blame him, is canine perfection) but since he fears my wrath - I MEAN, loves me so much - caved just in time to rescue Conroy Scrapiron. Scrappy is hopelessly devoted to his father, and loves him THE MOST. It’s kind of annoying, but it’s pretty stinkin adorable.
- 🎶 Music faves? He’ll tell you it’s something hardcore or intellectual or classic. But those who know, know better: it’s the ladies of pop that get his b***y shakin. Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, Paula Abdul, Gloria Estefan, CYNDI LAUPER, etc. It takes a real dude to appreciate the impacts of the great popular women of music, and I love a good wine-induced living room dance party.
- 🍧 The way to his heart is mostly through his liver, but he’s got a special weakness for senior citizen friendly desserts: tapioca, rice pudding, bread pudding, ricotta cake, etc. Forget those over-the-top sugary confections; make it monochrome, lumpy, and semi-sweet and perhaps with some fiber rich raisins, and you’ve got one happy dude.

🤴🏻 Want more fun facts about this delightful prince oh-so charming? Ask your questions below - and if I’m not already kicked out of the house for sharing these, there may be more! 🤪

More importantly, please wish this kind, hilarious, hard-working son-of-gun a Happy Birthday if you haven’t already. ✌️🎉


[❤️ Insert sappy caption about 10 years of young-love dating and now 9 years of matrimonial adventures and a run-way sma...

[❤️ Insert sappy caption about 10 years of young-love dating and now 9 years of matrimonial adventures and a run-way small wedding to a place we’d end up 3 years later fueled by fun & waffles and a marriage fueled by more fun (and too much gin)…]

John Paul Carroll, we thought we’d have it all figured out in almost 20 years together; but it’s safe to say we still have no idea what we’re doing, but we’re doing it really well.

‘K love you, bye. 🧇🍸💕

👉 Link to our wedding story: https://www.stylemepretty.com/2012/11/05/hilton-head-island-wedding-from-landon-jacob-productions/

Okay but   aren’t so bad living the   life. 💕✌️🌅Smell ya later, InstaHam.

Okay but aren’t so bad living the life. 💕✌️🌅

Smell ya later, InstaHam.


✨🙌💕 Apologies for the questionably downer post yesterday - so, here I am, channeling that bizarre, enthusiastic, curious energy with some good old fashioned InstaHam fun. To quote Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s: “It’s useful being Top Banana in the shock department.”

Thank you for giving me a reason to dance, friends. You’re the real Top Bananas. 🍌🏆✨


“Wisdom begins in wonder.” - Socrates ✨I’ve always believed my superpower is curiosity. Uncovering the “how’s” and “why’...

“Wisdom begins in wonder.” - Socrates ✨

I’ve always believed my superpower is curiosity. Uncovering the “how’s” and “why’s” and magic in the mundane. My natural enthusiasm for the thrill of discovery - in people, places, concepts, systems, things! - is often chaotic and exhausting, admittedly, but it’s an energy I believe helps me thrive in the day-to-day.

In the last few years it’s been harder and harder to sustain it. Often met with resistance or self-importance or blatant close-mindedness, I feel like that superpower doesn’t have a place in the modern world anymore. Surface level entertainment and/or appearance is rewarded far more than meaningful substance, and emboldened, contemptuous opinion is praised more than thoughtful discussion.

So, I’ve often stashed that part of myself away - and it’s made me weirdly more friggin tired and detached.

But The Big Guy knows who to send in the right moments, whether it be the random text from a dynamic friend or a chance encounter with a stranger that feels familiar and energizing.

This summer has been fast, chaotic, and HOT. But not all bad. From the chaos comes clarity - and I’ve had to level up that curiosity like never before.

So I hope you know your superpowers are so needed, even if the messaging suggests otherwise. If you need someone to help dust off and repair your cape, I’m here. ✌️🦹‍♀️✨

“I was waitingfor something extraordinary to happenbut as the years wasted onnothing ever didunless I caused it.”- Charl...

“I was waiting
for something extraordinary to happen
but as the years wasted on
nothing ever did
unless I caused it.”
- Charles Bukowski

Aquarius vibes running wild this week, y’all - here’s to getting off our keisters and causing extraordinary moments, friends. (Yes, even though it’s swamp-butt season.) ✌️✨

🌈💃 Life isn’t all perfect-summer-maxi-dresses-with-pockets and rainbows here in the Lowcountry; but when it is, it’s pre...

🌈💃 Life isn’t all perfect-summer-maxi-dresses-with-pockets and rainbows here in the Lowcountry; but when it is, it’s pretty frickin great.

from one of those fantastic “just because” date nights because you remember you have an unused gift card from Christmas to the ever delightful (thanks, !) and this retro-inspired frock from is (we’re still saying that, right?) AND since the entire population of the US (and beyond!) is coming here to enjoy their summers, DAYMINT, so must we.

Don’t worry, guys, I’m still on my quest over here - but clearly I need to work on my run-on sentence captions and how to harness wind for photos. Not fair how that Mr. Harbour Affair can just WALK DOWN A BOARDWALK and make it look easy… maybe I need to lay off the cocktails….


Hugs & High Fives,

Just your friendly HHI neighborhood   checking in to let you know all is well after Elsa’s late night roar through the L...

Just your friendly HHI neighborhood checking in to let you know all is well after Elsa’s late night roar through the Lowcountry; however, the island is at the highest capacity I’ve ever seen it and we are at peak swamp-butt season so plan accordingly. (Photo is from earlier summer sunrise, still lots of wind and clouds this morning! 😳😱)

K bye!

Been so long since I posted on da ‘gram it took me 30min to remember how to post (okay, and maybe I got really side trac...

Been so long since I posted on da ‘gram it took me 30min to remember how to post (okay, and maybe I got really side tracked by the Britney news). Thought a belated return-of-Shelter-Cove-fireworks sunset photo was worth trying to get back in the InstaSwing though. 🎆✌️💕

PS. Anyone else feel like these last couple of weeks knocked you off your keister? 🥴 Here’s to hoping the rest of summer will be much kinder.

Oh HIYA, friends. 👋There are a lot of new followers here (translation: accounts still trying to sell me into cellulite c...

Oh HIYA, friends. 👋

There are a lot of new followers here (translation: accounts still trying to sell me into cellulite cream Ponzi schemes 😱), so I thought I’d reintroduce myself. Actually, I’ve been sitting on these photos since March that our darling friend took before she ditched us for Oregon (v proud and excited for her, but yes, still bitter bc I miss her face), so I’m using it as an excuse to breakup the sunrise/sunset photos for which y’all normally show up.

I’m a “digital creative” for a local small business and married my high school sweetheart and if you’re wondering YES I asked him out. We have a penchant for gin and cheap wine and beguiling our local community with our active participation and the dumb stories anyone will listen to. I’m on a noble quest to taste every Oreo flavor and seek local - heck, maybe regional! - , particularly by sharing my insightful in (obnoxious) long form on social media. I have a wild disdain for and carelessness, and was once described as a “joyful cynic,” which is fantastically spot-on. I have a flair for the strange, the fringes & the forgotten, the oddly & eerily beautiful, and the silly and weird humor that reflects the human condition. I never turn down goat cheese.

So, there you have it. If you got this far, you deserve a medal, and I appreciate you for giving a rat’s petard about my bizarre little corner of the InstaLand.

I love you all. ✌️☀️

In a late night conversation, John & I noticed how quickly 2021 is getting away from us. After 2020 felt like an exhaust...

In a late night conversation, John & I noticed how quickly 2021 is getting away from us. After 2020 felt like an exhausting, never-ending slug through the mud, here we are almost to June and it feels like we’re in hyperdrive. The conversations of what we wanted for post-pandemic life feel oddly recent, yet a novelty decor wine cork holder more than halfway full tells us it’s been a LONG while.

On the brink of our busy season - one that’s already proving to be a challenge for the local community and will bring a record number visitors - there’s a palpable anxiety and frenetic energy. But, I think there’s hope. Hope that our little island can bridge the gap between the nostalgia of ‘good old-fashioned’ summer fun and give pause to reflect on the rest of this endurance race of a year. And what’s well beyond it.

Whether you’re traveling here or to another popular destination, please be know these communities are being flung into an overwhelming ‘great unknown’ without much of a support system. Those that work to provide incredible hospitality experiences are pushed to their limits, and they’re trying their best. Please: Be patient. Enjoy the slower pace. BE NICE, daggum it.

So while I don’t think life is going to slow down anytime soon, at least the longer days ahead will give more opportunities to pause. And if we reach the top of that wine cork holder a little faster to enjoy those opportunities, so be it.

Hugs & high fives,
C ✌️☀️🍷

😐🌈 Y’all sick of my straddling-a-tree-suspended-in-the-marsh-backyard-sunset photos yet? Well TOO BAD.Check out my   Sto...

😐🌈 Y’all sick of my straddling-a-tree-suspended-in-the-marsh-backyard-sunset photos yet? Well TOO BAD.

Check out my Stories for a rare behind-the-scenes look at how I capture this magnificence of nature. And let me know if you’d watch a YouTube called Straddling the Wilderness. 📽🌅


Hilton Head Island, SC


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Harbour Affair: Creative Adventure Strategist

Providing wedding & branding photography services, social media consultations & trainings, and digital content creation. Obsessed with Lowcountry sunsets, my rescue pup & high-school sweetheart of a husband, and Oreos. Too enthusiastically curious in the world for a perfectly curated feed.

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