I recently found myself in a conversation with someone who told me, “Faith is a gift we share with others.”
To which led the conversation into the discussion of “trust” versus “faith” - they’re interconnected and largely similar, yes, but “faith” is more alive.
Rolling into the holiday season and reflecting on the life-shifting moments of 2022 thus far (holy crap, there were several), I’ve noticed how guilty I am of using doom & gloom and “busyness” as a shield. And yet, those big shifts are actually a collection of small moments of reassurance. Of going with my gut. Of asking for a fire under my t**h if it’s truly a will to be done from The Big Guy. Of chance interactions with those who display humility and curiosity (see above). Of faith.
Not sure what I’m worried about if I keep trying, with the best of intentions.
How easy it is to get caught up waiting for moments or experiences or people to guide us into the “next big thing,” to give us the validation we think we need. When really? We’ve got the power (cue the 90s Jock Jams 🎶) to be that for others.
So maybe your gift is simply sharing your faith with others. Let it live in those parts of you that require no fire under your t**h. (But maybe a little Jock Jams, for good measure.)
Cheers to this holiday season being alive with the gift of faith. If you need a little to get you started, I’ll have it ready - I’ll throw in the 90s dance party for free.