⭐️⭐️ The countdown is on, only 2 more days to lock in a spot at this amazing price! Email Cherie at [email protected] before Friday, January 10 or the price will increase. ⭐️⭐️
Join us for an unforgettable 12-night on a Virgin Voyages Cruise from September 25 - October 7, 2025! We are promoting this as a girls trip, but we don't blame your man if he wants to join in on the fun...he is welcome to come too 😀.
Set sail from Barcelona to Cannes, Rome to Tuscany, and more on this adult-only cruise designed for relaxation, adventure, and endless fun!
🔹 Dates: September 25 - October 7, 2025 (12 nights)
🔹 Price: $2,709.50 per person
🔹 What’s Included:
Sea Terrace (balcony) room 🛳️
$300 Bar Tab 🍹
$100 Sailor’s Loot 💰
All food, wifi, tips, soft drinks & water 🍽️💻
Amazing shows and entertainment 🎤🎭
This amazing cruise is the perfect opportunity to relax, explore, and make memories with your best girlfriends! 🌴💃 Let’s make this Girls Trip one for the books! 🥂💕