Another Exciting Announcement! Northwind Aviation in conjunction with our Anchorage based company Alaska Air Taxi has completed the purchase of a PA-31 Panther Navajo! We searched for nearly a year for just the right twin engine aircraft to add to our fleet and patience paid off! This aircraft has all the right modifications:
Upgraded 350 H.P. turbo-charged engines
Ultra quiet 4 blade Q-tip props
Vortex generators with upgross useful load kit
Additional rear heater
Full glass Garmin/Aspen panel
Extended range fuel
Crew and Cargo door
200 MPH Cruise
7+1 pax Executive Interior
This pristine aircraft will fly year-round from Anchorage to Kodiak, Homer, Seward, Valdez, Fairbanks, King Salmon, and just about any other airport our customers need. We still have a bunch of FAA paperwork to complete before we can fly passengers, but we'll let you know!