The bald eagles will be in the swamps of south Louisiana for only another 2-3 weeks. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm and reservations are filling up fast. Call 985-868-4758 to book your swamp tour.
The bald eagles are are back from their summer migration. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Please call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @explorehouma @louisianatravel @animalplanet @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @freeflyapparel #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #houmalouisiana #explorehouma #houmatravel #swamptour #baldeagle #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticooler #aftco #sitkagear #freeflyapparel #olukaisandals
We see the bald eagles almost everyday. But, 15-20 years ago, sightings weren’t that common. Over the last 8-10 years the number of bald eagles in south Louisiana has exponentially grown. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @explorehouma @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #alligatorannie #anniemiller #swamptour #baldeagle #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #houmalouisiana #houmatravel #louisianatravel #yamahaoutboards #breaklineoptics #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Our guests from Germany, Holland, Hawaii, and California were amazed with the amount of boat traffic on the Intracoastal Waterway. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #houma #houmatravel #louisianatravel #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Our guests from the Philippines, Germany, California, and Louisiana enjoyed sunny day in the swamps and marsh of south Louisiana. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #houmatravel #houmalouisiana #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #louisianatravel #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Today our groups from France, Germany, Belgium, and Canada enjoyed their time in the swamps and marsh of south Louisiana. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #houmatravel #louisianatravel #houmalouisiana #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #anniemiller #anniemillerswamptours #swamptours #yamahaoutboards #breaklinepolarized #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Today was a great day to be on the Intracoastal Waterway and in the swamps and marsh of the Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge. The temperature was in the mid 80’s and the humidity was low. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #houmatravel #houmalouisiana #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #flyvinesmt #olukaisandals
Our biggest gator, Rip, has made his 1st appearance since going into hibernation. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @sitkagear @olukai @aftco @flyvinesmt #anniemiller #anniemillerswamptours #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #houma #houmatravel #louisianatravel #swamptours #alligators #garminmarine #breaklinesunglasses #yamahaoutboards #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
The majority of our alligators have come out of hibernation and love to show off for our customers. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #houmatravel #houmalouisiana #louisianatravel #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Only 3 weeks left to see the bald eagles in the Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge. They will be heading north around May 15th and won’t return until mid September. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @aftco @sitkagear @olukai @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #houma #houmatravel #houmalouisiana #louisianatravel #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #baldeagle #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt
Thank you to On the Canal Bar @onthecanalbar for letting us use their dock. The water is so high in the Bayou Black area, we can’t use our normal dock at the Bayou Delight Restaurant. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @sitkagear @olukai @aftco @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #houmalouisiana #houmatravel #louisianatravel #swamptours #onthecanalbar #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #flyvinesmt #olukaisandals
With French Quarter Fest @fqfest coming to New Orleans next week, reservations are filling up fast. Our tours are daily at 10am and 1pm. Call 985-868-4758 to book your reservation. @houmatravel @louisianatravel @yamahaoutboards @breakline_optics @garminmarine @yeti @sitkagear @olukai @aftco @flyvinesmt #anniemillerswamptours #anniemiller #swamptours #alligators #mandalaynationalwildliferefuge #houma #houmalouisiana #houmatravel #louisianatravel #yamahaoutboards #breaklinesunglasses #garminmarine #yeti #yeticoolers #aftco #sitkagear #olukaisandals #flyvinesmt