SALON UPDATE: Friday, May 8th, our Salon will be reopened. People are asking me "What precautions are you taking?" Today, we pulled all of the furniture out onto the patio and using Barbicide, which is normally just used for tools, sinks, combs and brushes, I used it on everything. The floors were deep cleaned, with a three chemical solution. Everyone will wear a mask, including the stylists. If you're sick, please do not call or ask to be put on our books. In the past, many of you have come in with the flu, fever, coughing and hacking. It may be allergies, but we have no way of knowing that. It's for everyone's safety, and we do have many people who are over the age of 60 (the one cutting you) that visit our salon,and we want those people to especially be safe. The first week, Lisa will be open Friday, Saturday and the following week Monday through Saturday. The second week, Ann will work Mondays and Tuesdays and Lisa will resume her schedule, Wednesday through Saturday. We feel this is the best way to keep our Salon with one to two clients. I have always tried to schedule people individually, except my "packs." If someone overlaps,we have a waiting area with seating that is now 6 feet apart. After each client, we will be disinfecting with wipes every surface that was touched by that client, including the entrance Door. In this first week, if you're on the schedule and you have to cancel, it will be about two weeks before you can get back on the schedule, because it's going to take that long to catch up. Please be patient with us, we're all in this together, and your safety is the utmost priority. Use your own best judgment, if you feel you are susceptible to anything, please wait until this situation is over with. Call or text me 346-312-0219. I'm still calling people.