The latest shooter to gain publicity in Houston, where I live, and around the country. Gun control during these stump speeches in Iowa and New Hampshire have been rare. Hillary has been vague on this subject, arousing emotions, not solutions, with lines like this: "How many innocent people in our country from little children to church members to movie theater attendees? How many people do we need to see cut down before we act?" Martin O'Malley offered a more succinct, "I'm pi**ed." Bernie Sanders, whose home state has a history of gun ownership, voted against the Brady Act, and has yet to say a word against owning guns. Jeb Bush, who has an A plus rating from the NRA, blasted Obama with, "Why don't you focus more on keeping weapons out of the hands of Islamic terrorists and less on law abiding citizens?" Lindsey Graham blames mental health, not gun ownership, saying of a shooter in his home state, "this guy was not quite there." Ted Cruz, a rabid supporter of the Second Amendment, boasted about blocking expanded background checks. Rand Paul says it's not the government's job, "it's the people who've strayed away, not understanding where salvation comes from." Marco Rubio remains mute on the subject, telling CBS News in the wake of the massacre at Newton, Connecticut, "This issue cannot just be about guns. It has to be holistically about violence as it impacts the whole country." His "let's all get along" theory is yet to be described. Ben Carson has said "he would never advocate anything to interfere with Second Amendment rights." Rick Perry's solution? "Arm teachers in schools." Be ready to draw at the slightest provocation. Mike Huckabee, another A plus student of the NRA. Carly Fiorina supports the Second Amendment, and like Bobby Jindal accuses Obama of trying to score "cheap political points." Donald Trump in a recent interview boasted about his loyalty to the NRA. “I am a Life Member of the NRA and am proud of their service in protecting our right to keep and bear arms. The NRA’s efforts to stop dangerous, gun-banning legislation and regulation is invaluable. The media focus on those efforts overshadows the great work the NRA does on behalf of safety and conservation." Seems a little self contradictory, this last part, but there you are. Democrat and Republican presidential contenders all held prisoner by the Second Amendment, the NRA, and those who on a regular basis, shoot and kill a number of our citizens.
The man charged in the shooting of a Houston sheriff’s deputy was found three years ago to be mentally unfit to stand trial.