Our Story
The Homeopathy Center of Houston is most known for its successes with autism and PANDAS, developing the proprietary Houston Homeopathy Method (HHM): a complete, stand-alone, health remediation and detoxification system for both chronic and acute illness - with special application in the Autism spectrum documented and supported by hundreds of case studies. For details, please visit http://www.homeopathyhouston.com
What We Do
The Homeopathy Center of Houston offers professional consultations and provides homeopathic remedies based on our consultations. Our exclusive Houston Homeopathy Method is based on Sequential homeopathy, German Biological Medicine, and Pleomorphic theory of illness and disease. Based upon these models of illness, we developed a deeply cleansing and healing approach using many different homeopathic modalities under one, comprehensive approach: The Houston Homeopathy Method.
How We Do It
Our consultations are by appointment. Telephone appointments are both welcome and encouraged; a large percentage of our clients enjoy the convenience phone consultations offer. Because our approach is unique, many of our clients are from around the nation or around the world. Although we may request photos and/or videos periodically of you/ your child in order to observe changes or problems that can be seen, no physical examinations are required or offered, as we are not medical doctors. We always recommend that you maintain your relationship with your local medical doctor or clinic for emergency and/ or diagnostic support!
Consult Approach
We use an interview-based consultation approach, wherein we individualize plans and determine appropriate remedies -- remedies which are shipped within days of your consultation. We develop a long-term relationship with our clients, as many have discovered that the deep healing that comes as a result of our method often greatly diminishes their tendency to become ill. Many “graduate” after detoxification, rebuilding and healing has occurred during their work with us, and we only hear from them if they have a subsequent minor injury or occasional acute minor illness.
While we have for many years had a focus on autism, Aspergers syndrome, and PDD-NOS, we are still a general homeopathic healthcare practice. Homeopathy can offer answers for a myriad of different types of health issues with excellent results. And the things we have learned from the many physiological ailments related to autism have in turn improved our results with clients with other health issues.
Homeopathy Center of Houston offers consultations for family wellness, detoxification for health and weight management, acute illness and injury healing support, and chronic health complaints, as well as a focus on learning and sensory processing disabilities, ADD, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome and the problems associated with autism. Through the Center's proprietary Houston Homeopathy Method(TM), a drug-free approach to virtually any health complaint, clients find their way back to health and healing through the body's own innate healing systems using FDA-regulated, safe homeopathic remedies.