Celebrating a milestone: Licensed Brain 🧠 Health Trainer!!
Four year ago, after the end of a 20 year marriage and 7 years of self neglect (body, mind & spirit), I began a journey to reclaim my body’s health, renew my mind and restore my spirits.
I was able to change my brain and change my life with exercise, good diet and the help of Dr. Daniel G Amen's book "Change your brain and Change your life". As my grief, hurts, addictions and habits were uncovered and redirected my depression lessened, my sadness lifted and a new enthusiasm and excitement for life started to reveal itself again.
I owe my life, in part, to the lessons I learned, strategies I used, and practices I implemented in my life, from this book.
As a personal trainer and certified nutritionist I was already incorporating those practices in the Saved By the Wave Wellness program as the "Brain Hack Breakthrough" portion of our hour of power (4 days a week on the Saved By the Wave FB Group).
So, when Dr Amen offered a Licensed Brain Health Trainer program through his university, I was a complete "YES". I went to work studying fast and hard so I could share even more good news with others.
I just completed the classes and final exam to become a Licensed Brain Health Trainer. Now, after learning even MORE about the importance of our brain health (physical, mental, social and spiritual) in relation to joy and living healthier lives I am sooooo excited to share the good news of these revelations with you all in our wellness group.
If you are experiencing pain from sadness, depression, addictions and/or anxiety, you are NOT alone and change is possible. You are not stuck with the brain you have AND when your brain works right, you work right. While this growth can sometimes be uncomfortable at the beginning and through the persevering...it's WORTH it!!
Celebrating this achievement with you all and hoping it brings us much more JOY in our program!!
Join us in the Saved By The Wave Facebook group if you need love, support and guidance in your time of transformation through any of life's painful moments.
Wherever you are on your journey…never give up!