Okay, single le****ns, are you ready to up your dating IQ while enjoying a unique vacation experience with other single le****ns?
This is not for everyone - so let's go through the checklist and see if it applies to you:
* single
* le***an
* interested in personal growth
* enjoy adventures and travel
* open to meeting others interested in personal growth
* love to work hard and play hard
For more information visit: www.le***anloveadv.com/sanjuansingles
Join us in downtown Indianapolis for our first hotel-based Le***an Couples Workshop designed to bring the same great content of our Luxury Transformational Vacation Retreats without the high price tag!
Registration is $1195 per couple (accommodations are not included), with an accessible payment plan of $295 deposit and 6 monthly payments of $150. We will be at Hyatt Place, Downtown Indianapolis. You can secure a room with our discounted group rate, or find alternate accommodations of your choice.
Enjoy a long weekend with a balance of work and play. We start Thursday evening at 7pm with an introductory session and opportunity to meet and socialize with other couples, followed by two working days with 3-hour sessions in the morning and afternoon, leaving Friday and Saturday night free for fun in downtown Indy. We will wrap up on Sunday at 10:30am to give you time to get back home - wherever possible.
We hope to have you join us! For more info go to: www.le***anloveadv.com/indy2024
The Art of Wholehearted Communication for Le***an Couples
Are you and your partner looking to deepen your connection and communication in a safe and understanding environment? Look no further! Join us for a transformative 6-week course designed exclusively for le***an couples: "The Art of Wholehearted Communication."
📅 Course Dates: August 10th - September 14, 2023
⏰ Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM ET | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CT | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MT | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PT
About the Course:
Led le***an relationship and intimacy coach, Michele O'Mara with a PhD in Sexology, this course is tailored specifically for le****ns, providing a unique perspective and understanding of the strengths and challenges of le***an relationships. All female and non-binary/gender q***r couples (non-male-identified) are welcome to join us.
💻 Online Platform:
All classes will be held on Zoom.us, allowing you to participate from the comfort and privacy of your own space. Whether you're in the same location or not, you can both join in and enrich your bond.
🎧 Audio-Recordings:
Life can get busy, but don't worry about missing a class! Technology permitting, all sessions will be recorded, allowing you to catch up at your convenience or revisit valuable insights.
📘 Course Workbook:
To enhance your learning experience, you'll receive a comprehensive 71+ page workbook (in PDF format) filled with valuable information and exercises that you can use throughout the 6-week journey.
Embrace the power of wholehearted communication and build a deeper connection with your partner in a nurturing and supportive space. Strengthen your relationship, understand each other better, and create a more loving and lasting bond.
Limited spots available, so secure your places now! Click the registration link below to sign up and receive the class access link:
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to us. We
We just returned from our retreat in New Orleans. What a fantastic time Kristen Feutz-OMara and I had!! However, it isn't our experience that matters, it is the experiences that le***an couples have on our retreats that matter. These are the words of couples who have joined us. 👇 We have room for another couple in our Gatlingburg, TN retreat in 24 days. For more information, visit https://www.le***anloveadv.com/gatlinburge23info
What’s the most important ingredient in a relationship?
Yep, communication.
Where did you learn how to communicate?
Still thinking?
You’re not alone.
You probably communicate well enough to function in your day-to-day life, your job, and even with your family and friends. But when it comes to matters of the heart, well, that’s a different story, right?
I feel your pain. No matter how many skills and strategies I learned, no matter how much I practiced active listening, validation, and empathy in my own relationship, I still experienced roadblocks to really understanding my wife, and feeling understood by her. And, I am a professional trained in all three of the top relationship theories: Imago Theory, Gottman Method, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). I have studied Non-Violent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg and even the 5 Languages of Love.
Still, something was missing.
No matter how much I learned about how to communicate effectively, I still struggled to consistently communicate effectively in my own relationship. I also observed couples with whom I work struggling to communicate effectively when outside of sessions.
Then, I was introduced to the Polyvagal Theory by Steven Porges. I threw myself into understanding the influence our nervous system has on how we communicate. Finally!! I discovered the missing ingredient to effective communication.
Why is it so hard to communicate in relationships?
Growing up, we learn how to communicate with the most important people in our lives – our caregivers; the people on whom we rely for our survival. Usually, these are our parents. Sometimes, we have other important people in our lives, like siblings, grandparents, or other family or friends.
By the time you become self-sufficient and no longer rely on your caregivers for survival, you have developed habits of communication that are hard-wired into your nervous system.
Your nervous system is concerned about one thing and one thing only: your
Can you relate to this? An argument that starts from thin air and leaves you feeling frustrated and a little crazy? Communication is a skill and for most of us it is not natural, it must be learned. How's your skillset? If you want to up your game, consider this 6-week, online course for le***an couples for less than the cost of one couples session @ $187. https://micheleomara.com/le***an-couples-communication/
Jade told Roxy, "I'm thinking about joining a gym so I can get in shape. Do you want to join me?"
What Roxy heard was, "You are out of shape so I'm going to join a gym so that I can get you to do the same."
In a negative tone, Roxy said, "Are you unhappy with how I look?"
This is an example of everyday miscommunication in relationships.
When your nervous system detects danger (like, she thinks I'm fat), your automated responses kick into gear and effective communication goes out the window.
Learning to communicate effectively about tough topics is a lot like learning to drive. There are a lot of things to pay attention to all at once.
I learned to drive with a manual transmission (stick shift). My dad took me to a steep hill where we lived in Bloomington, Indiana, home of the Hilly Hundred bicycle ride - if that tells you something about the hills in my hometown.
I remember my right foot pressing the brake, my sweaty palms gripping the wheel, and my dad calmly instructing me to, "Press down the clutch and the brake, put the car in gear, and slowly lift up on the brake, then press the gas while slowly lifting the clutch."
He lost me at "slowly lift up on the brake."
This multi-step set of instructions for a new driver on the top of a steep hill was asking a lot.
He told me it was okay to roll backward slightly and I believed him with my mind. Each time I started to lift my foot off the brake, I would feel the car slowly moving backward. I felt panic and slammed on the brakes. This happened over and over again until I was able to successfully time the footwork and with practice, it became more natural.
It's never too late to learn. Join us for our next 6-Week Course, "How to Communicate Better in Le***an Relationships." More info: https://micheleomara.com/le***an-couples-communication/
We just had a last-minute opening for our le***an couples retreat in Destin, Florida. If you are a spontaneous le***an couple who can pick up and go on short notice, you could benefit from a relationship-transforming vacation with six other le***an couples and a uniquely nourishing experience for 5-nights and 6-days. We will be gathering October 11-16th, so let us know ASAP if you wish to grab this last spot that unexpectedly became available.
For more info, visit: https://micheleomara.com/florida-le***an-couples-retreat-lgbtq-le***an-retreat/
Relationships are a dance between two nervous systems in search of a safe emotional home. So often in love, we put so much energy into protecting ourselves from being hurt, that we end up blocking ourselves from the love we want.
There is nothing so destructive in love as the belief that we are unloveable. For those of us who grew up feeling "different," it's common to reach adulthood believing we are broken, inadequate, and unloveable. When we leave our automated self-protective instincts unchecked, we can quickly develop a negative pattern of interaction that is difficult to change.
When we feel hurt, we begin to filter all of our experiences with our important other through a lens of hurt. Eventually, all we see and feel is hurt, it's like dying of thirst while standing in the middle of a fountain of fresh spring water.
Once this dance of negative interaction starts, it's hard to turn it around. And, still, it's possible. Very possible.
To break your negative pattern of interaction, join us for our next le***an couples retreat. You can see our detailed retreat brochure here. (https://micheleomara.com/mexico-le***an-couples-retreat/)