People say that powerlifters think we're better than them because we're stronger than them. And that's not true at all. We're WAYYYY Stronger.
POV: You're working with a commercial gym trainer...
Sick of working with a "coach" who doesn't care?
Take the quiz on our website to stop getting your hand held and start making real progress.
Bulgarian Split Squats (BSS) suck, but here are our top 3 ways to make them suck even more 🫶
💥Front Foot Elevated Split Squats: Forces more ROM at the hip to get a deeper stretch in the glutes
💥 BSS With Internal Rotation: Us powerlifters train external hip rotation all day and night but are often lacking internal hip rotation leading to imbalances and impingement. These are a great tool to work on improving your hip internal rotation while getting stronger!
💥Ipsalateral BSS: Holding a DB on the same side as your lead leg is a great way to challenge core stability and balance throughout the movement
💥Contralateral BSS: Holding a DB on the opposite side as your lead leg provides slightly less challenge to your balance while allowing you to load the movement a bit heavier.
💥Safety Squat Bar BSS: Using the SSB forces you to lock in your bracing, upper back, and core stability throughout the lift while allowing a relatively heavy load to be used.
💥Goblet BSS: Offers improved core engagement and stability compared to a regular Bulgarian split squat due to the weight placement in front of the body, often making it easier to balance.
We're BIIGGG fans of weighted stretching here at SCPL.
Looking to incorporate weighted stretches into your program but not sure how? Take the quiz on our website for more info.
Is the overhead press a key exercise for increasing your bench press? Coach Sebastian explains! What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Listen to your coach!! (Unless you feel good that day tbh)
Gym strength IS functional strength!
Struggling to pick something heavy up off the ground? That's a deadlift!
Having trouble kneeling down to tie your show? That's a lunge!
Trying to get up out of a chair easier? Squat!
We're here to help. Not just in the gym, but in life. Take the quiz on our website to see how else we can help you.
Announcing our first ever mock meet!
If you're ready to test your maxes but aren't quite ready for a meet this is for you.
All you have to do is submit video of all three lifts performed in the same day during the week of 3/27-3/29. Click the link in our bio for more details!
Bulgarian Split Squats (BSS) suck, but here are our top 3 ways to make them suck even more 🫶
💥Front Foot Elevated Split Squats: Forces more ROM at the hip to get a deeper stretch in the glutes
💥 BSS With Internal Rotation: Us powerlifters train external hip rotation all day and night but are often lacking internal hip rotation leading to imbalances and impingement. These are a great tool to work on improving your hip internal rotation while getting stronger!
💥Ipsalateral BSS: Holding a DB on the same side as your lead leg is a great way to challenge core stability and balance throughout the movement
💥Contralateral BSS: Holding a DB on the opposite side as your lead leg provides slightly less challenge to your balance while allowing you to load the movement a bit heavier.
💥Safety Squat Bar BSS: Using the SSB forces you to lock in your bracing, upper back, and core stability throughout the lift while allowing a relatively heavy load to be used.
💥Goblet BSS: Offers improved core engagement and stability compared to a regular Bulgarian split squat due to the weight placement in front of the body, often making it easier to balance.
Does your back hurt from powerlifting?? 🫠
The McGill Big 3 are here to help!
Check out coach Tim's tips on how to perform the modified curl-up, side plank, and bird dogs to improve your core stability and help fix your back pain! 🫡