Busy weekend at Mille Lacs. Here are some details on where to be and when!
Perch Party - Hunters Point Resort
Fishing will start at 8:00 AM
Fishing ends at 2:00 PM
Drawings begin at 3:00PM
Buttons will be $20 each
Outdoor bars and food will be available on the ice.
We are so excited and have so many great prizes and still a great perch bite, with the perch still biting we will be leaving rental shacks out a week longer!
320-676-3227 to book those!
Fishing for Ducks
The weekend is finally here! If you're in town or on the lake, stop in to the Friday Night Flight at the Garrison VFW Post 1816. Raffles run from 5:00 until 9:00. Food is available. The event is free with your fishing ticket. Trade your ticket for your fishing sticker when you arrive. There are lots of Raffles and a Silent Auction. Need not be present to win! Stop in, play some raffles, have some food and a beverage, and head out when you are ready. All the prizes will be on the lake in the morning. You can check the boards to see if you won and pick up your prize on the lake.
We're coming up on contest day. Online ticket sales are turned off, but there are plenty of ways to get tickets! We will access the lake at Garrison Sports in Garrison, or Myr Mar Marina 3 miles north of Garrison. We'll see you this weekend!!