Listen to those bellows! A couple of bulls were bellowing to assert dominance within their herd. Fall in Yellowstone is magical. #yellowstonenationalpark #jacksonhole #westyellowstone #lamarvalley #bison
There are over 200 mountain goats in Yellowstone National Park with many, many more in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. However, did you know that mountain goats are technically non-native/invasive to the area? Mountain goats have a native range that extends down the western side of Montana; however, before human involvement they were not found anywhere on the eastern or southwestern side of the state, nor are they native to Wyoming or south-eastern Idaho. Regardless, we love seeing them around! They’re beautiful critters with some seriously athletic abilities. #mountaingoat #jacksonhole #yellowstone #grandtetonnationalpark #native #montana #wyoming
The bison rut always makes for some excitement! 🦬
Just a black bear goin’ for a swim ☀️🐻
Berry season in Wyoming makes for awesome bear sightings 🐻 #jacksonhole #yellowstonenationalpark #Wyoming #blackbear
A peaceful moment in Grand Teton National Park to get you through the rest of the week 🏔️ We still have availability throughout the rest of summer - book a tour today to enjoy the Jackson Hole scenery with us. #grandtetonnationalpark #jacksonhole
Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park erputed today at 10:19 AM. We are grateful to hear there have been no reported injuries.
With that said, this was quite the sight to see for folks who happened to be there. In 1959, an eruption followed the famous Hebgen Lake earthquake, turning what was once a geyser into Sapphire Pool. Currently closed until further notice, it will be interesting to see how Biscuit Basin has changed again.
#yellowstone #yellowstoneeruption #yellowstonecaldera #yellowstonenationalpark #jacksonhole
As temps get hotter throughout the summer, it can be harder to see grizzlies throughout the valley. The bears will tend to either bed down in cool, shaded areas until the sun goes down or they push to higher elevations.That is why we always try to get an early start on our tours, as well as offering sunset tours. This provides the best opportunity to see grizzlies, like the family in this video, seen a few days ago!#jacksonhole #yellowstone #yellowstonenationalpark #grandtetonnationalpark
An early morning black bear in Yellowstone 🌲
Happy Fourth of July, everyone. We can’t imagine a better place to celebrate than at Old Faithful!
Just another day in Yellowstone National Park 🐻
Last nights tour was mighty beautiful after the snow came to a stop! #grandtetonnationalpark #jacksonhole