Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone tours run from May to October.
The Canyon is inside Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres. It is divided into Upper and Lower Loops. Also, the Lower Loop of Yellowstone tour is offered by Yellowstone Safari Tour. It is in the Lower Loop where the Grand Canyon is located. The Loop perimeter is 96 miles, and it is also where you find more thermal features than anywhere in the world. Therefore Yellowstone Safari Tours centers around Scenic safaris as well as wildlife safaris, due to the scenic nature of the Park and the wildlife that developed over a period of millions of years. The same can be said of Yellowstone Upper Loop tours as well. Wildlife that may be found include, bison, elk, Grizzlies, wolves, weasels, foxes, marmots, pelicans, swans, and otters. The list goes on and on.
Therefore most people choose private tours with savant guides who know a thing or two about the lower loop. One of our favorite tours is in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Hundreds and thousands of years ago, Yellowstone was covered in glaciers. Eventually, it began to melt and as it did, it carved the canyon. Today water runs in the canyon from south to north, in what we call the Yellowstone River. The river starts from Lake Yellowstone.
The Canyon has two waterfalls, upper and lower falls. The upper falls have hard rocks which are hard to disintegrate. Therefore the falls are shorter than the lower ones at over 300 feet. Looking at the banks of the river, you will find soft rocks called rhyolites. It is soft, and water has been able to dig deeper into it over the centuries. The rhyolites come in different colors: brown, gray, yellow, pink, maroon, purple, and white. The river was called “the Yellow Rock River” apparently because of the yellow rhyolite on the banks of the river. The two waterfalls are majestic indeed. You can hike a short distance to the upper falls or hike down and up to the lower falls about 1.4 miles. Besides, there are trails that you can hike as well by the ages of the canyon. https://www.yellowstonesafaritours.com/grand-canyon-of-yellowstone