Who else practices their calling with their hunting buddy?!
@bridgeringthegap always wants to be part of the hunting stuff with @oregonbackcountryoutfitting and we’d say he’s doing a pretty good job working on his calls!
#hunting #oregon #elk #phelpsgamecalls #iblowphelps #firstlite #firstlitehunting #practicemakesperfect #startemyoung #raiseemright #bridgeringthegap #lifeinruralamerica #oregonbackcountryoutfitting #yoursuccessisourbusiness Phelps Game Calls First Lite
Day 1 of the Sig Sauer Hunter Games Was a huge success for Team Maverick! Day two of the competition is currently underway! @sigsauerhunting @firstlitehunting @oregonbackcountryoutfitting @jackcarrusa @bulletvalentina
Even a 2-year old (@bridgeringthegap) knows how cool it is to unbox a brand new set of Swarovski binos! #elrange #swarovski #swarovskihunting #binoculars #hisreactionwaspriceless #oregonbackcountryoutfitting #yoursuccessisourbusiness
Another season with 100% success in the Wenaha in the books! Nothing like spending the last day of the season packing out the last bull using snowshoes and snowmobiles after a mess of a snow storm. It pays to work with good friends - misery always loves company! #oregonbackcountryoutfitting
#oregonbackcountry #wenaha #elk #oregon #bigbulldown #rifle #bigthree #snow #miserylovescompany #meatpacking #100percent #hunting #hunttolive #livetohunt #outdoors #backcountry #hiking #oregon #firstlite #gofartherstaylonger #swarovski #onxhunt #phoneskope #crispiboots #hardworkpaysoff #psychoticelkhunter #yoursuccessisourbusiness
Dixie and Dolly are ready for wagon rides at @wallowalakepackstation!! Call the office to check availability. #dixieanddolly #wagonride #wallowalakepackstation #wallowalake #horses #mules #muleteam #livelifelikesomeoneleftthegateopen
Happy 4th of July everyone, please be safe out there!
2016 Oregon Backcountry Outfitting Season - 2017 Teaser film
This is looking back on the 2016 hunting season, looking forward to the 2017 hunting season about to begin!