Brown Bear Eats a Whale in Alaska
The Tapeworm Returns! From a motion sensor camera at Waterfall Creek . The price of too much raw fish. This parasite has a super cool life strategy that involves wild salmon and bears. Here, the now dead tapeworm is expelled. The next generation will find there way from fresh water crustaceans to salmon to bears. And yes people can get it too. Freeze your fish or cook them first. #packcreekbeartours #waterfallcreek #tapeworm #parasites #wildsalmon #beartour #cameratrap #trailcam reposted by request for @kentcraford
A terrifying bear encounter? No, but a close walk by is always exciting. A calm young brown bear walks by ~25 yards. He’s got bear things to attend to. One of my goals as a guide is to stay out of the bear’s path, keep everyone looking calm. Bears are constantly assessing each other’s body language, so I like to keep it looking relaxed as well. #staycool #staycoolunderpressure #bearencounter #bearviewing #beartour #packcreekbeartours #packcreek
A little vibe. Float planes and bears. #bearwatching #alaskabear #brownbear #grizzly #seaplaneadventures
“Here we are...” Guide Clay Good narrates a mid September encounter. Clay encountered this young bear while walking the beach at high tide. He calmly managed the situation and the bear ended up passing them. For me the big takeaway is that the bear was more nervous than Clay. While we never want to force a close encounter, Clay managed this one admirably. He stood his ground, but did not escalate the situation. Even though this is a bear that has seen people before: We do not recommend you try this on your own! #guidelife #packcreekbeartours #brownbear #admiralty #bearencounter #closeencountersofthethirdkind #thethirdkindarebears #claygood
Priceless. On approach for JNU. #bearwatching #grizzly #brownbear #floatplane #beaver #dehavillandbeaver #rainbow
Exploring Chichagof Island. #brownbear #snorkel #vortexoptics #zeiss #isnice @alpacka_raft #waterfall video shot by @felisjoncolor through binoculars on a packraft adventure.
Took my mom out to see this beautiful bear this afternoon.