Hawaiian Bigeyes (Priacanthus meeki)
The Nighttime Brilliance of Hawaiian Bigeyes (Priacanthus meeki) 🐟✨
By day, these elusive fish hide in dark oceanic crevices, but at night, they emerge in a remarkable display. Their unique, reflective eyes capture light, creating a mesmerizing effect similar to underwater stars. This adaptation serves a critical purpose: it's a key part of their hunting strategy in the dark ocean waters.
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#fish #aquatic #sealife #boattours #hawaii #bigislandhawaii #ecotourism
Happy Fish Fact Father’s Day!
Many fish are great fathers including these little Chromis. The father will prepare the nest site, and after the eggs are laid and fertilized, he will guard the nest for several days driving off intruders, removing diseased eggs and fanning the healthy ones to keep them oxygenated. The males change their color patterns when they are guarding a nest. The fish in the video are just feeding together, not nesting. But as Jack Jonson says, "it's always better when we’re together" and these fish agree.
So, on this Father’s Day, we hope you will be able to spend some time with your father and you fathers with your kids, because it is always better together.
#fathersday #fishfathers #nestingfish
Fish Fact Friday! The US Navy is using the small ridged body of a box fish as inspiration for a miniature submarine. These fish are unable to bend their body because their scales are fused together creating a shell or "box", however they are still very good at maneuvering about the reef. They are like little boxy fishy submarines. #fishsub #boxfish
Ray Kinda Day
Manta and Eagle Ray
Its just a ray kinda day! Spotted Eagle ray swimming by. #eagleray #konahawaii
Fish Fact Friday: Yellow tang (Lau'ipala) may range as far as Japan, but it is only in Hawaii that they are this abundant. #Fishfactfriday #yellowtang #fishschool
Love on the Reef: Longnose butterflyfish (lauwiliwili nukunuku ‘oi’oi) form strong pair bonds aka they fall n love, as do many other butterflyfish. #happyvalentinesday #fishlove #kona
Orangeband Surgeonfish, na'ena'e. What beautiful dancers. #hawaiifish #reefish
Come take a float on the glass bottom boat. #konahawaii #fish #honu
Not a day for a glass bottom boat ride.
Fish Fact Friday Featuring the Beautiful Moorish Idol. You may remember a certain famous Moorish Idol, “Gill” from the fish tank Nemo ended up in. A truly unique fish, it is the only one in the Zanclidae family. They have very high IQs, according to scientists Ronald and Marie-Louis Bauchot who tested 110 species of Hawaii reef fish and found Moorish Idol the second smartest. Who had the highest IQ you ask? It was the Brown Surgeonfish who outsmarted the Moorish Idol. #HighIQ #unique #hawaiifish #findingnemo #fishfactfriday
When you have filled up on Thanksgiving dinner and just want to lay down in the rubble for a bit. #happythanksgivng #kona #Honu #honuundertheglassbottomboat