❤ I know there are a lot of people struggling right now. Health challenges, family struggles, relationships, finances, anxiety and depression to name a few.
❤ So I got to thinking: What more can we do to love on, encourage, and support our community? How can we help ease these burdens and offer hope in challenging times?
🙏 I was reading an incredible book the other day (Ekklesia by Ed Silvoso) and it talked about a business that hosted a "Prayer Fair" . A time when anyone, regardless of their beliefs, was free to stop by for prayer for the challenges that they were facing.
🤩 The Lord spoke to my heart in that moment and said, "You need to do a Prayer Fair at Hitch Fit" - which made me say yesssss. Love that idea Lord 😁
🙏 So Micah LaCerte and I are super excited to share that we are going to have a "Prayer Fair" (essentially a night to stop by for prayer if you need or want it!) at Hitch Fit Gym Parkville on October 2 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
😃 If you know me well, you know that one of my favorite things to do is pray and intercede for people. It's an honor and a blessing, so I am SO excited about this!!
❤ If you are struggling with something heavy in your life, we would love to help you carry that burden. We will be there, along with some wonderful friends to listen, to love and to pray (and to help connect you with additional resources if necessary).
❤ Feel free to stop by. It will be a super welcoming, nonjudgmental, loving, and non-intimidating environment!
David Washington Cindy Long Eric Reynolds Robin Tennille Paris Brynn Arnone Holly Phillips