Fusion Impact starts in ONE WEEK
We are so excited to train and send out highschool students to proclaim Christ to the lost for the rest of the summer!
Hear from Travis about his time in South Asia with Fusion and the IMB
What are you willing to give up to Follow Christ and make His name known among the lost and dying world?
Request more information about Fusion here: https://spurgeoncollege.com/academics/fusion/#apply
Fusion Youth Weekend is ONE WEEK away and TODAY is the final day to register. Zane Pratt of IMB will be joining us in Kansas City, MO and you don't want to miss it.
Learn More + Register - spurgeoncollege.com/fyw
Fusion is Sending Again
Fusion is Sending Again
- 9 months of language learning, transportation and security training
- 9 months of theological equipping and college academics
- 9 months of life-on-life discipleship and local church partnerships
- 9 months of evangelism in Kansas City
Now | 49 young men and women are firmly planted among unreached people groups so others may hear and live.
Fusion is sending and we want to send YOU. His glory is our reward.
Learn More - www.spurgeoncollege.com/fusion
February 26, 2021 | Virtual Night for the Nations
Focus - Sub-Saharan Africa
Fusion: Making Disciples for Life
The greatest tragedy in all the world is that God is not receiving glory among all peoples. He has called every believer to do something about it. What will you do?
🌍 [Virtual] Night for the Nations 🌏
May 6th | 6:30pm - 8pm CST
An event to inspire and motivate young believers and youth groups across the country towards the ends of the earth.
Register and learn more
Night for the Nations
Youth pastor, what do you have planned on your 2020 calendar? Disciple NOW? Winter Retreat? Consider including a Night for the Nations in your schedule!
Fusion can provide incredible small group leaders, wonderful speakers, and a cross-cultural hands on experience. Our spring calendar is filling up, so get your request in before the end of the year!
Request Today: www.mbts.edu/fusionnight