For your audible delight, MerryMix 2016 is here:
This year's compilation includes all 18 tracks released this year. Ingredients from underground to indie, a cup of mainstream, definitely heavy strings and a long dash of ambient completes this spacey dish. As always, arranged to be played start to finish. If you like, please give me a follow on the Spotify album link. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Bonus query: What is this "skywedge" phenomenon? If anyone can help identify the two sunset anomalies (shown on cover and track listings), I would be indebted. I've never seen such an ominous shadow cast across the sky, let alone two in the same year! It's like a hand on the edge of a flashlight blocking its full array. The one on the left was taken on my restaurant's patio, the other a couple months later driving home. Both in Kansas City, 2016.