Hello to all Barnsite Retreat and Events Center Facebook “followers” and “likers”! You may have noticed that our postings have become more and more minimal, and this is for several reasons. The main one, of course relates to the effects of COVID greatly diminishing usage of our beautiful venue – but the other being the fact that over the course of the 10 years that we’ve owned and operated the Barnsite, our family has grown and changed, and so have our life goals and plans. This does include the sale of the Barnsite. As much as we all completely love the Barnsite, and have enjoyed innumerable events, memories, and gatherings, we’re needing more space in our lives to welcome next chapters. That being said – the Barnsite has sold, and the new owners will be happily living there by June 1st. At this time, there are no plans for use of it other than for personal use.
We can’t put into words how much fun we’ve had with BREC – especially playing a small part in the weddings of SO MANY OF YOU! We consider ourselves so fortunate to have landed in this endeavor that included such an important and beautiful life event for so many. It brings us great joy to think of your cherished memories and photos with the BARNSITE as the backdrop! This will always be our own happy memories to take with us as we turn the Barnsite over to new owners. We will miss the weddings, family reunions, baby showers, and parties for retirements, military honors, and Kewaunee-area proms, end-of-season sports banquets, art shows and all else. THANK YOU ALL for choosing the Barnsite.
FINALLY, letting you know that May 6th – 9th we will be holding a weekend-long BIG BIG BIG SALE of the goodies that the Barnsite house, barn and property currently hold. Yup – “everything must go!” This will take place right onsite: Barnsite Retreat and Events Center; 109 Duvall Street; Kewaunee, WI.
Even before May 6th – if you’re in the area, we will most likely be inside organizing and pricing items, so feel free to stop in and check around. If we’re there, you’re welcome to peruse items and make any purchases as well! (Realistically, we’ll probably only be there Mon-Fri, 9:30-12:30-ish – but you never know!!)
Thank you again for supporting us and loving the Barnsite as much as we do.