WILD about DOLPHINS offers a day of dolphin watching, snorkeling, sandbars and backcountry exploration. Fun for all ages, families and pet friendly.
Friday Fun Facts - Dolphins
Dolphins jump out of the water for a variety of reasons, including play, communication, hunting, and to get a better view of their surroundings. Jumping, also known as breaching, allows dolphins to show off their agility and strength, as well as to socialize with other dolphins. It can also be a way for dolphins to remove parasites from their skin or to escape from predators. Overall, jumping is a natural behavior for dolphins and serves multiple purposes in their daily lives.
@wildaboutdolphins #wildaboutdolphins #ecotours#makingmemories#keywestmanatees#keywestwildlife#
@wildaboutdolphins #keywestwildlife #ecotours #keywestdolphinwatch #makingmemories #petfriendly #wildaboutdolphins
Captain Sheri's WILD about DOLPHINS #wildaboutdolphins #keywestdolphinwatch #ecotours #makingmemories #petfriendly #keywestwildlife #keywestsandbars #keywestdolphins
Captain Sheri's WILD about DOLPHINS #wildaboutdolphins #keywestdolphinwatch #ecotours #makingmemories #petfriendly #keywestwildlife #keywestsandbars #keywestdolphins
@wildaboutdolphins #wildaboutdolphins #keywestdolphinwatch #petfriendly #ecotours #makingmemories
Up close & personal glimpse into wild dolphins mating in Key West, FL. Mating is a group activity and a part of the dolphins daily play activity. So amazing to witness first hand. We invite you to join us us on the adventure of a lifetime. #wildaboutdolphins #dolphinwatchkeywest #keywestecotours #keywestdolphins #keywestsnorkeling #makingmemories #keywestdolphinwatch #keywestsandbars
WILD about DOLPHINS magical dolphin moments in Key West, FL
Listening to the wild dolphins breathing & communicating. #wildaboutdolphins #dolphinwatchkeywest #takeabreath #keywestecotours
WILD about DOLPHINS in Key West, FL
Girls just want to have fun. Such an amazing day with all of you.
#wildaboutdolphins #makingmemories #funinthesun #keywestdolphins #keywestsnorkeling
Captain Sheri's WILD about DOLPHINS #wildaboutdolphins #keywestdolphinwatch #keywestsandbars #keywestsnorkeling #keywestwildlife #makingmemories #petfriendly #keywestfamilyvacation #ecotours #keywesttours
Captain Sheri's WILD about DOLPHINS #wildaboutdolphins #keywestdolphin #keywestsandbars #keywestwildlife #keywestdolphinwatch @
WILD about DOLPHINS invites you to join us on a magical day of dolphin discovery aboard our custom vessel Amazing Grace.
#wildaboutdolphins #ecotours #dolphinwatching #wildlifetours #keywesttours #visit #key #west #visitkeywest #petfriendly #lovedogs #makingmemories
Dreamy day with Captain Sheri's WILD about DOLPHINS. #jumpingforjoy#wildaboutdolphins#keywestdolphins#wilddolphins#dolphinwatch#keyswildlife#livingthedream#blessed
Enjoy the magic of wild dolphins aboard Amazing Grace in Key West, Florida’s. #wildaboutdolphins#wilddolphins#dolphinwatchkeywest