Our Eco/Shark Tour Boat, The Tiger Cat, isn’t just for entertainment. We love to educate and promote a positive consciousness of the ocean! Today, our very own, Captain Ken Harris, saved this 250/300 lb Loggerhead turtle from being tangled up on this Buoy line. #keywestecotours #keywest #keywestsharktour #florida #shark #turtles #loggerheadseaturtle #goodhumans #keywestextremeadventures
Curious Dolphin🐬 #showoff #dolphin #keywestflorida #keywestecotours #ecotour #floridakeys #keywestextremeadventures #sharks #sharktour
Another amazing trip out on the Tigercat! #dolphins #keywestlife #keywestexcursions #keywestflorida #keywestecotours #ecotourism #sharks #keywestextremeadventures #floridakeys #familyfun #familytime
Kids and adults have the best time when they experience an awesome day out on the Tigercat! #keywest #kwextremeadventures #keywestextremeadventures #keywestecotours #sharktour #friendlyneighborhoodshark #florida #tigercat #keywestvacation #keywestexcursions #keywestexcursion #keywestdestination #keywestbackcountry #greatforkids #kidslovenature #kidsthinksharksarecool #keywestboats #oceanlife
How you’ll feel when you experience an awesome day out on the Tigercat! #keywest #kwextremeadventures #keywestextremeadventures #keywestecotours #sharktour #friendlyneighborhoodshark #florida #tigercat #keywestvacation #keywestexcursions #keywestexcursion #keywestdestination #keywestbackcountry
Join us on the Tiger Cat for awesome adventures like this! Lemon Shark galore!
Another amazing day on the Tiger Cat! This is a very determined Lemon shark.
Dolphins! A ride out on the Tiger Cat is always a wonderful adventure! #dolphins #porpoise #podofdolphins #keywestextremeadventures #sharkeducation #keywestflorida #keywest #shark #ecotour #captken #captclay #summeradventures #florida #floridakeys
We spotted a Loggerhead turtle taking a quick breath, a truly beautiful animal. A trip on the Tiger-Cat is full of surprises.
It’s always the best when little kids see Dolphins in the wild (adults too!). Our tours are always fun and full of beautiful surprises🐬🐬. Jump on the Tiger Cat when you visit Key West🦈🐬
This is one stubborn Lemon Shark!! All aboard the Tiger Cat for a great adventure!!
Who doesn’t love Dolphins?! On board the Tiger Cat, nature constantly shines🐬🦈