Tarpon On Capt. Dexter’s BLACK DEATH FLY, caught in the morning daylight, mucho better and more challenging than (cheater) night fishing! See the eat, the flash of silver, the jumps, priceless!
Happy Birthday Baby Tarpon for Capt. Dexter Simmons! #tarpononfly #tarpon #keywest #flyfishing #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons
Tarpon in Marquesas jumped by Howard #Tarpon #flyfishing #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons #gloomis
Tarpon Season, 2020, Palalo Worms are here! #tarpon #flyfishing #keywest #keywestflyfishing #tarpononthefly #tarpononfly #captdextersimmons
Tarpon Fly Fishing every day in May and June, Ernest Hemingway...”anyone can catch a fish in May” (The Old Man and the Sea).
Tarpon on Fly to the skiff! #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons #flyfishing #sageflyfish #yeticoolers #costasunglasses #bonefishtarpontrust
“Please release me” Tarpon smile, Key West. #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons #costa #simmsfishing #sageflyfishing #gloomisrods #yeti #rioflylines #keywest #maverickboats #bonefishtarpontrust #tiborreels
Leadered Tarpon explodes boatside!
#captdextersimmons #keywestflyfishing
Dave Myers jumps and lands a Tarpon on Fly with Capt. Dexter Simmons in the Marquesas. #captdextersimmons #keywestflyfishing
“The Hook Up” Tarpon on Fly drone clip, Angler Dave Myers with Capt. Dexter Simmons #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons
Austrian Angler Erich Amplatz Tarpon on Chilli Pepper Palalo Worm Fly #keywestflyfishing #captdextersimmons