Today was an incredibly beautiful day in the dolphins playground. This pod was kind enough to give us a nice hello.
Today we encountered a large tiger shark while looking for the dolphins. Once we were close we could identify it by the shape of its head and distinct stripes. We estimated this shark weighed 400 - 500 pounds and about 10 feet in length. Despite our best efforts to feed the shark he was more wary of our boat. What a treat! You just never know what you can find on our tour!
Today we encountered something very special. In this video you can see two large loggerhead sea turtles together. The smaller male was attempting to mate with the larger female. Incredible sighting!
One amazing day with Key West Extreme Adventures as we were able to bring up a greater hammerhead for a feeding.
This was one lucky pelican that was spared during the shark feeding. Thankfully Capt. Clay was able to bring this desperate pelican on board to safety. Once we returned to the dock we handed him off to the wildlife rescue folks whom healed him. Not only was this an entertaining encounter but a redeeming one to help out the wildlife.
We are very exited to continue tours starting tomorrow November 6th. The crew has work very hard to restore the boat back to working conditions.
Today we took the boat out for a test run and were amazed at this video.
Captain Clay playing with lemon sharks while the passengers observe.