Summertime Bliss! #redmangrovekayaking #charterboat #charter #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #digdeep #backcountry #florida #visitflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #gulfofmexico #perceptionkayaks #flyingfishboardco #glidesup #sup #carolinaskiff #islandlife #saltlife #sandbar #chillbuddy #summahtime #rainstorm #joeingramkey
So this happened today. It was apart of maybe 9 total fishing in the flats. They were up to no good for sure! 😃
Glided up on what looked like from a distance, to be an animal in distress. I wasn’t at all looking forward to trying to cut a shark loose from a line or rope, like I did with a turtle and @clams_oregatino awhile back. Luckily it turned out to be a ménage a trois of nurse sharks in the 4-6 foot range. Happy they weren’t in trouble, but sad I broke up their mojo! #redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #sup #islandlife #saltlife #botehd #HD #boteboards #nurseshark #bowchickawowwow
Manatees chilling off Key West. First time I’ve run across these guys where they were not in a canal or marina. Pretty neat! #redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #kayaking #sup #islandlife #saltlife #manatee #seacow #floridawildlife
Sneaking up on a snoozing nurse shark. Probably sleeping off a belly full of lobsters, just like I will be in a few hours from now! #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #flyingfishboardco #kayaking #sup #islandlife #saltlife #nurseshark #shark #summahtime
Moment of tidal serenity in the creeks. Watching beautiful seagrasss billowing in the current as fish and rays cruise past is exactly how I wanted this morning to go! #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #flyingfishboardco #kayaking #sup #islandlife #saltlife #seagrass #naturesnursery
The Old Man In the Sea. We ran across this old guy on our way to Tarpon Belly Keys. Big loggerhead turtles are pretty common in this stretch water, which makes the paddle so much fun. #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #boteboards #kayaking #sup #islandlife #saltlife #turtle #seaturtle #loggerhead
Took a few minutes, but we got him loose. Made all our days brighter for the chance encounter. #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #floridaparks #greatwhiteheronnationalwildliferefuge #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #boteboards #kayaking #sup #seaturtle #seaturtlerescue #chanceencounter #wildliferescue #itwasagoodday
Paddled by this creepy-cool guy in “the gauntlet” area of my tour. Really fun to see them so close. #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #floridaparks #greatwhiteheronnationalwildliferefuge #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #boteboards #kayaking #sup #octopi #octopus #calamari #isitlunchyet
I had some repeat customers that wanted to do something a little different, so a nice paddle out to Tarpon Belly keys we went! An interesting grouping of islands that were modified for shrimp farming years ago. About a 3.5 mile paddle from the end of Blimp Road, it’s a fun, varied trip.
#Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #floridaparks #greatwhiteheronnationalwildliferefuge #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #boteboards #kayaking #sup #tarponbellykey
Even on a bike ride, I have to stop and look for who is swimming around near the bridges. This is about a 3.5 foot blacktip shark. This guy will get up to, on average, about 5-8 feet in length, and live 10-12 yrs on a diet of 90% fish. We both feel the same about food! #Redmangrovekayaking #paddlerad #floridakeys #lowerfloridakeys #keywest #visitkeywest #gulfofmexico #floridaparks #greatwhiteheronnationalwildliferefuge #digdeep #backcountry #florida #floridalife #visitflorida #pureflorida #findyouradventure #outdoors #perceptionkayaks #boteboards #kayaking #sup #shark #blacktipshark #stopandsmelltheocean