Super cool 😎 @davisfjames @davisjameslens
#famousfriends #orvis
I’m not crying 😭 🥹🥹
My nephew Emmitt scrolling and watching my videos on insta. “The bear one” “mom watch” “mom did you watch” “dis is a cool show” ❤️🥹
@bghntr @mklacroix3
#happyuncle #nephew #katmai #katmainationalpark #love #bears #brown #brownbear #insta #love #wild #wildanimals
One of the most precious ecosystems on the planet 🌎 & we have organizations that want to risk losing it. 🤯. Incredible that anyone would even consider taking the chance.
#nopebblemine #katmai #katmainationalpark #bear #brownbear #grizzly #sockeye #salmon #alaska #protect #conservation #love #wild #wildanimals #nature #naturephotography #copperriverlodge #best
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all the Men & Women who sacrifice for the rest of us. 🫶🇺🇸
#alaska #flyout #flyoutlodge #spring #summer #alaskan #trout #best #fishing #nature #wild #wildplaces #naturephotography #plane #cessna #floatplane
Sometimes you strike gold while the mic 🎤 is hot 🤣
#alaska #bear #brownbear #nature #bearlove #salmon #wild #wildlife #summer #spring #flyout #lodge #flyfishing #jokes #jokeoftheday #funny #humor #love #katmai #conservation #nopebblemine
Sometimes you strike gold while the mic 🎤 is hot 🤣
#alaska #bear #brownbear #nature #bearlove #salmon #wild #wildlife #summer #spring #flyout #lodge #flyfishing #jokes #jokeoftheday #funny #humor #love #katmai #conservation #nopebblemine
Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 @charlie__howell & I could not get Taylor to hold a trout yesterday & she would probably strangle me for posting this but it is to pure not to haha!
Absolutely love my family! Watch for a laugh 😂 we had a good time yesterday! #fishflop #fishing #mom #dad #love #fun #happy #wild #wildplaces #conservation #preserve #funny #hillcountry #texas
When your guest who has never picked up a fly rod hooks into a stud rainbow while throwing a dry fly, you do everything you can not to let him get away!!! Jennifer & Elliot crushed yesterday! 🏆 #dryfly #reelflyfishingadventures #love #lucky #best #rivermonsters #wild #wildplaces #fun #getoutside #conservation #preserve #happy #nowhereelse
No caption needed, just awesome! 🐊 #wildlife #unexpected #salt #saltwater #poc #awesome
River sounds with a young brown 🐻 searching for salmon. #alaska #brownbear #salmon #conservation #love #beauty #peace #preserve #woodriver #bearclawlodge
A bunch of 🐻 butts for ya…
#alaska #bear #brownbear #summer #salmon #bristol #peace #love #conservation #preserve #beautiful