Our Holiday Light Shows- Lafayette, Indiana

Our Holiday Light Shows- Lafayette, Indiana Holiday light shows for Halloween and Christmas located in Lafayette, Indiana in Avalon Bluff Please enjoy and thank you to all!

As a child, growing up in Northwest Indiana with my two sisters, Mom and Dad always had made the holidays (all of them) very special for us. There were always decorations and fun times around each and everyone of them. There are many, many positive memories that always seem to put a smile on my face from these great times. This has laid the foundation of what my visitors see today when they come b

y my home in Lafayette during the Halloween and Christmas holiday seasons. This all has been 40 years in the making and I am excited to see where the future takes me!


Hello all! Just a reminder that the lights will be on tonight and tomorrow from 6 to 9 PM. Tomorrow, December 31st, will be the last night for the 2024 season. I leave with you with one last video from the 2024 Christmas light shows. Thank you, again, to all for coming to see the shows! Have a great night!


Good evening everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! As the shows are winding down for the 2024 season, I wan...

Good evening everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! As the shows are winding down for the 2024 season, I wanted to announce the eight winners of the bicycles. Thank you to all that entered, thank you to all that submitted their letters to Santa, and thank you to all that made donations to the two animal shelters as well.
Congratulations to Layla, Jordan, Maddie and Hannah, and Hallie, the young ladies that won the bicycles for the gals. Also, congratulations to the following gentlemen for winning the bicycles for the guys... Brantley, Hayden, Eli, and Mackland.
The shows will run through the 31st, each night from 6 to 9. Thank you again to everyone from my guests and their continued support, my great friends/helpers that made this possible, to my amazing and patient neighbors. Merry Christmas!


Hello all! Well, we are just a few days away from that most amazing day of the year! The turnout has been INCREDIBLE this year and you all are doing a wonderful job allowing the traffic to pass and not blocking the neighbors' driveways. I thank you VERY much for this! I hope you all are enjoying the shows as much as I am having you all out here. I need to pause a moment, as I am quite late in doing so this year, to thank those that really helped a ton to make this possible, donating many hours of their time to help with the physical set up of the display. My heartfelt thank you goes out to Larry Beddow, Brian Bronson, Jeanette Ash, Corey and JR with IBEW Local 668, and Amanda Brown. I could not have pulled it off this year without your generosity! And, along with my thankfulness to them, also I need to extend it to all of you! I have seen many new faces this year and so, so many familiar faces from the years past. Thank you ALL for your support and all of the kind words!
The shows will run through the 31st of December at the following times: Sunday, December 22- 6 to 930, Monday, December 23- 6 to 930, Christmas Eve and Christmas night- 6 to 10 PM, and for December 26th through December 31st- 6 to 9 PM.
Again, I thank ALL of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come enjoy what started as a hobby so many years ago and now has become, well, an obsession! Merry Christmas, everyone!


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Good evening everyone! Just some info... The shows are running tonight through Thursday, 6 to 9 PM. Friday will be 6 to 930, and Saturday will be 6 to 10. Thursday night will be the last night to drop a letter to Santa to be able to receive a timely reply. Friday night will be the last night to enter the drawings for the bicycles. The bicyles will be presented to the kiddos during the shows on Saturday evening. I hope everyone is enjoying their family time during the holidays and, maybe, the Christmas light shows as well. Merry Christmas, everyone!



Greetings everyone! We now are about a week in with the shows. I hope everyone is enjoying them! Here is the first video from this year. There will be a few more to come in the next few days. Of course viewing the shows on a phone screen doesn't compare to the in-person experience, so by all means, do come see it live! Don't forget the kiddos letters to Santa, the bicycle giveaways entry, and the fur critters! Thank you to all that have come out to date and for all of the very kind words! Have a great evening and Merry Christmas!

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Hello all! We are about 25 minutes away from showtime and all appears to be ready to go! I'm looking forward to another great season! Again, due to its extreme importance, please do not block the roadway, driveways, and intersections. Please be patient with each other as well! The lights will run from 6 to 930 tonight at 2684 Tristan Dr. Tune to 93.3 FM on the radio dial to hear the music. For the kiddos, don't forget their letters to Santa as well as the bicycle giveaway entries! Enjoy the shows and Merry Christmas to all!



Good evening everyone! First, thank you for all of the kind words on my previous post. I appreciate all of you very much! As promised, here is the post with all of the details for this Saturday's opening night of the 2024 Christmas light shows at 6 PM. PLEASE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY!! This is a lengthy post, but I feel I need to stress these items first as they are extremely important and MUST be abided by if the shows are going to run.
1) PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTIONS, the DRIVEWAYS of my neighbors, or the path of travel on the road. Pull to one side or the other to allow traffic to pass, and please keep the music to a comfortable level for enjoyment INSIDE your car.
2) Though I encourage video recording and photography, please do so from the sidewalk and/or driveway. Do NOT access the yard AT ALL for any reason! It is for your safety! I ask if anyone should observe noncompliance to this request, message me immediately on FB Messenger. I will be home nightly during the shows and will address it.
3) All show details can be found in the "About" section, but here they are again: the address is 2684 Tristan Dr. The radio station that you must tune to in order to hear the music that accompanies the lights is 93.3 FM. The shows will run nightly, weather permitting, 6 to 9 Monday through Thursday and 6 to 930 Friday through Sunday. I will post any cancellations on the page.
4) I will be collecting monetary donations for both Lori's Kitty Rescue and the Almost Home Humane Society. I can collect them in person or they can be dropped in the locked Santa's mailbox in my driveway which is under four video cameras and it is checked many times daily.
5) Speaking of the Santa's mailbox... Letters can be dropped of for the kiddos starting this Saturday, December 7th through Friday, December 20th. The submissions need not be just during the show times. They can be anytime of the day. Please include name and return address as ALL will be sent personalized replies from Santa himself.
6) The bicycle giveaway- the eight bicycles will be presented on Saturday, December 21st, during the shows. To enter, which is completely free of charge, please complete one of the entry cards with name , phone number, and please circle the gender for the appropriate bike. The cards will be located in a box attached to the side of the Santa's mailbox. The entry cards can be placed in the Santa's mailbox. In the event that cards are not available, any piece of paper with the name, phone number, and bicycle gender preference written on it will suffice.
Last, please be patient as I expect a large number of guests, but, most importantly, enjoy the shows! Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Merry Christmas to all!


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Good evening, everyone! I've been a bit quiet lately, dedicating most of my time to the Christmas display, but would lik...

Good evening, everyone! I've been a bit quiet lately, dedicating most of my time to the Christmas display, but would like to update everyone on the progress of the set up for 2024 Christmas light shows. We are about 80% or so there and well on track for the December 7th opening night at 6 PM. I have added some new music, props, etc. to the shows this year. As always, the theme has changed, once again, for this year as well. The letters to Santa mailbox will be out again. Once again, I will be collecting monetary donations for the fur critters. This year I have selected Lori's Kitty Rescue as well as the Almost Home Humane Society of Lafayette. I will also be giving away, similarly to last year, not one bicycle for the kiddos, not two, but EIGHT bicycles (four boys' bikes and four girls' bikes)! I will be out nightly to say hello and hand out treats and such, just like in the past. Specific details about all of the aforementioned will be included in my next post sometime next week. In the meantime, please have a great evening and a very Happy Thanksgiving!



Good evening all and Happy Halloween! Though the decorations for me are at an all-time minimum, the treats tomorrow night will NOT be! For those willing to brave the elements tomorrow, I will be handing out an abundance of treats, as usual, at my home. I will be outside in the driveway from 5 ish 'til at least 8 PM or whenever I run out of treats. I hope to see ya'll here despite the absence of the light shows this year. Have a great night and day ahead!

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Hi everyone! It has been quite some time, but it is that time of year again! I, regretfully, need to let everyone know that I will not be doing the Halloween light shows this year. It is getting to be a bit much physically for me to tackle on my own then rush right into the Christmas light show set up. I will still do some Halloween decorating and have the normal abundance of treats on Halloween night, so do stop by! This approach will allow me to continue to focus on the Christmas display for 2024 (and my health). I am a bit behind on the Christmas build at this point, but, rest assured, I will be ready for opening night on Saturday, December 7th! Thank you all for the support over all of these years! I look forward to seeing all of you here for the 2024 Home for Christmas light shows! Have a great evening everyone!


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Hello all! I would like to take a moment to post one of my shortest posts... to all of you that follow my page, that have come out this year and/or in the past thank you and Merry Christmas to you and all of your loved ones. Take a moment to look around at those still with you today... embrace them, tell them you love them, and cherish all the memories you've created with them and the ones you will create today. They are ALL very special. Love you all! Merry Christmas and God Bless!


Hello all and Merry Christmas Eve! The shows will run tonight as scheduled and through 31st. Please keep in mind that many of the families in my neighborhood will be having their holiday celebrations today and tomorrow. Subsequently, there will be a lot of parked cars along the roads and many will be coming and going throughout the day. Please be sure to be extra attentive and mindful to not block intersections and the roadways and all driveways. Please pull all the way to the curb to allow traffic to pass through. Thank you for your cooperation with this. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to follow if we want to keep this tradition alive and well for the years to come. Merry Christmas all! 😊

Good evening all! I want to let you all know that I've drawn the names for the bicycles and have presented them this eve...

Good evening all! I want to let you all know that I've drawn the names for the bicycles and have presented them this evening to the winners. The girl's bike was won by Oakley and Colin won the boy's bicycle. Thank you all that entered! There were numerous entries. Merry Christmas to all!



Good evening all! I want to touch base going into the week leading up to Christmas. First, my apologies for being MIA all weekend. Most of you know that I am usually out nightly handing out treats and such. I have a terrible cold and do not want to contaminate anyone so I have just stayed inside. I am hoping by midweek I will be back to my old self. Anyway, the shows will run Monday through Thursday 6 to 9 PM. From Friday, December 22nd through Christmas night, the shows will be extended a bit and run from 6 to 10 PM, the back to the normal schedule through the 31st. Entries for the bicycles can be made through Friday night. The bicycles will be awarded on Saturday, December 23rd. I will contact the winners earlier on Saturday. I will continue to collect monetary donations for Lori's Kitty Rescue and Paw Swap of Greater Lafayette in person and via the Santa's mailbox in my driveway through December 31st. Thank you all for coming out and for the support! Have a great night and week ahead! Merry Christmas!



Hi all and good afternoon! I just want to touch base again. The shows will run tonight unless the rain comes down hard. Santa will NOT be present tonight due to the weather. Tomorrow, the 17th is the last day for letters to Santa. If a reply is desired, be sure to add a return address. Outside of the normal not blocking driveways, the roadways, and intersections, that's all I have at the moment. I hope you all are enjoying the shows so far! Thank you to all who have come out and to those that have donated for the animal shelters! Merry Christmas all!



Hello all! How is everyone? I hope well! I'd just like to say thank you to all who have come thus far. It's been nice talking with all of you. I've heard a lot very heartwarming words and compliments. Also, to Luke and Jennifer and Marina, thank you for the delicious treats. And to the gal with her kiddos in the autumn orange Subaru, you too all made my night. Thank you all for the joy and very kind words! You all rock! Merry Christmas!!

Good evening all! I would like to take several moments to update all of you on the 2023 Our Holiday Light Shows Christma...

Good evening all! I would like to take several moments to update all of you on the 2023 Our Holiday Light Shows Christmas show. Please read this message in its ENTIRETY! There is a lot of very important information and details so it is a loooong message. Pull up a seat! The full set up is pretty much ready and the shows WILL start this Sunday, December 3rd at 6 PM and run nightly through December 31st, weather permitting, and be in honor of my amazing Dad, whom we just lost on November 29th. The daily show schedule is the one outlined in the "About" area on the main page.
I must address THIS one particular item first since it has become an issue the last few years. I cannot stress enough- PLEASE do NOT access the yard where the decorations are! This is for YOUR safety and well-being! The last few years I have had a few people in the yard and they have rearranged my display as well as broken several items, fortunately without injury to themselves. There are many tripping hazards and a lot of electricity running. I will shut down the shows if I catch anyone in the yard. Please do not be the one to ruin it for everyone else! Feel free to take as many pictures and videos from the sidewalk, in the driveway, and/or the photo op to the east side of the display! Please, as usual, refrain from blocking the neighbors' driveways as well as the intersections and roadways. Keep the audio level to a comfortable level for you to enjoy INSIDE your vehicle. These are all key in being able to keep this tradition going for the years to come. Please, please, please abide by these requests.
Now, the fun stuff! :) Again, this year I will be collecting monetary donations for Lori's Kitty Rescue as well as Paw Swap of Greater Lafayette. I can collect these personally or they can be dropped in the locked Letters to Santa mailbox in the driveway (it is checked multiple times daily) or via the hyperlinks on my light show webpage. Please consider donating, if possible, as the critters definitely need the holiday cheer as well! Speaking of letters to Santa, yes, the mailbox is back for the kiddos to drop their letter to the jolly guy up north! The mailbox will be available from Sunday, December 3rd through Sunday, December 17th. As in the past, Santa has assured me that he will work very hard at making sure he writes back to each kiddo so please be sure to include the full name and address so Santa can write back! When taking a quick break this season, Santa will also be making a guest appearance (date to be announced later) to say hello and to have pictures taken with him. Another fun thing and new this year will be a children's bicycle giveaway. I have purchased both an 18" boys bicycle as well as an 18" girl's bicycle (see picture above) each to be given away on Saturday, December 23. I have had cards printed for one to put their name, email address, and phone number on them to enter the giveaway. Please write whether it is for the boy's bicycle or for the girl's bicycle. One entry per person, please. If you do not notate which gender bicycle, I will have to discard the entry. I will contact the winners on Saturday the 23rd so please be sure to add your contact information on the entry card. I will have some cards on me while I am out and about interacting with my guests. There will also be two weatherproof acrylic boxes attached to the Santa's mailbox that will contain envelopes and the entry cards. In the event that I am not present or I have run out of cards, please just write the aforementioned contact information on any sheet of paper and drop it in the mailbox.
I do believe I have covered most of the pertinent details here. As usual, I will be out nightly to say hello and maybe, just maybe, have some goodies to hand out along the way! ;) Over the course of this Christmas season, I will post updates and any other information here and on my webpage for you all. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, for coming out to see the lights, for the continued support, and for making this such an amazing and fun event each year! I just love it and you all are wonderful! Have a very Merry Christmas all!


P.S.- just in case... my address is 2684 Tristan Drive in Lafayette. You MUST tune your radio to 93.3 FM to hear the music that accompanies the lights.


2684 Tristan Drive
Lafayette, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 9pm
Tuesday 6pm - 9pm
Wednesday 6pm - 9pm
Thursday 6pm - 9pm
Friday 6pm - 9:30pm
Saturday 6pm - 9:30pm
Sunday 6pm - 9:30pm


Be the first to know and let us send you an email when Our Holiday Light Shows- Lafayette, Indiana posts news and promotions. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

