Whales whales whales & a rainbow
Whales. Watching whales more specifically is at the top of the list of things we love on Maui. It’s a short season - December to May (January to March is usually best) so we try to pack in as much viewing as possible. But if you aren’t much for boats - all you need to do is sit on the lanai and watch the ocean, they’ll put on a show for you without leaving home.
Slack Key show Wednesday nights on Maui
We love many things about Maui, one of which is the music of Hawaii. We visited the Slack Key show that takes place on Wednesday nights in Napili. It was wonderful! Enjoy a little bit of Ukulele. And if you’re on Maui, it’s worth checking out!
Glorious morning!
It’s a breezy but glorious day to be on Maui!
It’s whale season on Maui! A mama and baby whale working on some tricks!
A little Maui rain storm.
It’s a beautiful day to be on Maui! Plenty of availability this Spring and summer. Maui is open for business! As about your next visit!
It’s a busy day at the Papakea resort today. 3 climbers up in the Palm trees clearing the branches and keeping the trees trim and tidy.
So much to love about Papakea at sunset. Children giggling in the pool, hot tub full of people chatting about the day, families barbecuing dinner while the torches and palm trees dance in the tropical breeze. 🏝